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Oisean a' Ghràmair: Sreath 4: 3


Tormod Caimbeul:
“Leum an duine a bh’ air a bheulaibh a-mach às an rathad.”
“The person that was in front of him jumped out of the way.”

AIR BEULAIBH... ‘in front of...’

air beulaibh sin ‘in front of that’
air beulaibh na sgoile ‘in front of the school’

air mo bheulaibh ‘in front of me’ (‘at my front’)
air do bheulaibh ‘in front of you’ (‘at your front’)
air a bheulaibh ‘in front of him’ (‘at his front’)
air a beulaibh ‘in front of her’ (‘at her front’)

air ar beulaibh ‘in front of us’ (‘at our front’)
air ur beulaibh ‘in front of you’ (‘at your front’)
air am beulaibh ‘in front of them’ (‘at their front’)

AIR CÙL... behind

air cùl sin ‘behind that’
air cùl na sgoile ‘behind the school’

air mo chùl ‘behind me’ (‘at my back’)
air do chùl ‘behind you’ (‘at your back’)
air a chùl ‘behind him’ (‘at his back’)
air a cùl ‘behind her’ (‘at her back’)

air ar cùl ‘behind us’ (‘at our back’)
air ur cùl ‘behind you’ (‘at your back’)
air an cùl ‘behind them’ (‘at their back’)

RI TAOBH... ‘beside’

ri taobh sin ‘behind that’
ri taobh na sgoile ‘behind the school’

ri mo thaobh ‘beside me’ (‘by my side’)
ri do thaobh ‘beside you’ (‘by your side’)
ri a thaobh ‘beside him/it’ (‘by his/its side’)
ri a taobh ‘beside her/it’ (‘by her/its side’)

ri ar taobh ‘beside us’ (‘by our side’)
ri ur taobh ‘beside you’ (‘by your side’)
ri an taobh ‘beside them’ (‘by their side’)

AIRSON... ‘for...’

airson sin ‘for that’
airson na sgoile ‘for the school’

air mo shon ‘for me’ (‘for my sake’)
air mo shon ‘for you’ (‘for your sake’)
air a shon ‘for him/it’ (‘for his/its sake’)

air ar son ‘for us’ (‘for our sake’)
air ur son ‘for you’ (‘for your sake’)
air an son ‘for them’ (for their sake)

MU DHEIDHINN... ‘about’

Dè mu dheidhinn sin? ‘How about that?’
mu dheidhinn na sgoile ‘about the school, concerning the school’

mu mo dheidhinn ‘about me’
mu do dheidhinn ‘about you’
ma dheidhinn ‘about him/it’
ma deidhinn ‘about her/it’

mar deidhinn ‘about her/it’
mur deidhinn ‘about her/it’
man deidhinn ‘about them’

‘Eileanaich’ (Sgitheanaich)
Tha iad a’ tighinn dhan eilean seo is tha iad a’ faighinn a-mach ma dheidhinn.”
“They’re coming to this island and they’re finding out about it.”
“...An fheadhainn a bha a’ tighinn, bha airgead aca. B’ urrainn dhaibh an uair sin a phàigheadh air a shon.”
“The ones that were coming [after the war], they had money. They could pay for it back in those days.”

FAICIBH CUIDEACHD: Beag air Bheag 1, Prògram 2.

2. CHO... RI (‘as... as’) & CHO... AGUS A (‘How...!’)

Tormod Caimbeul:
“Bha esan cho dearg ris an fhuil, a shùilean fliuch is e air a nàrachadh.”
“He was as red as blood, his eyes wet, with the mortification [‘and him mortified’].”

cho dearg ris an fhuil ‘as red as [the] blood’
cho bochd ris a’ chù ‘as sick as a dog [‘the dog’]’
cho laghach ris an òr ‘as kind as [the] gold’,
cho ruadh ris a’ mheirg ‘as brown as [the] rust’
cho ruadh ris an tombaca ‘as brown as [the] tobacco’

Tormod Caimbeul:
‘“Seall cho ruadh ’s a tha na corragan aice”, thuirt mise ri John Murdo Campbell.’
‘“Look how brown her fingers are”, I said to John Murdo Campbell.’

Cho ruadh is a tha iad!
“How brown they are!”
Seall cho ruadh is a tha na corragan aice!
‘Look how brown her fingers are!’
Seall cho luath is a tha na mionaidean a’ falbh oirnn.
‘Look how fast the minutes are going past (us) / how fast we’re running out of minutes.’

FAICIBH CUIDEACHD: Beag air Bheag 2, Prògram 1; agus Beag air Bheag 3, Prògram 8.


Repeated/customary action: BIDH mi a’...

‘Eileanaich’ (Sgitheanaich)

Seonaid: Bidh mise a’ togail dhealbhan ...
Ailig: Agus bidh thu gan cur air Flickr, nach bi?
Seonaid: Bithidh. Am bi thu gan coimhead Ailig?
Ailig: Bithidh, corra uair.
Alasdair: Bidh solas a’ dol sìos is suas!

“I take photos...”
“And you put them on Flicker, don’t you?”
“Yes I do. Do you look at them, Alec?”
“Yes, now and again.”
“A light goes on and off (flickers)!”

FAICIBH CUIDEACHD: Beag air Bheag 1, Prògram 8.