Oisean a’ Ghrà mair Sreath 12: 10
CRIOMAG: Seònaid NicPhàil (‘Smuain na Maidne’)
An tràth teachdail. The Future tense
(Faic Prògram 2.)
(1) Basic statement —IDH
“Ann an sgioba sam bith, mar a b’àbhaist a bhith againn a’ buain na mònach, cumaidh am fear-sa a’ dol.”
“In any team, like we used to have cutting the peat, one man (‘this man’) keeps / will keep going.”
“Èiridh iad suas mar iolaire air a sgiathan . Ruithidh iad agus cha bhi iad sgìth. Siubhalaidh iad ’s chan fhàs iad fann.
“They will rise up, like an eagle on its wings. They will run and they won’t be tired. They will walk (will travel), and they won’t grow weak.”
Bidh mi - I will be
Coimheadaidh mi - I will look / I look
Cuiridh mi - I will put (or send) / I put (or send)
Cumaidh mi - I will keep / I keep
Fàsaidh mi - I will grow (or become) / I grow (become)
Gabhaidh mi - I will take / I take
Smaoinichidh mi - I will think / I think
(2) MA (‘if’): —AS
“Ma choimheadas sinn ri daoine as an t-saoghal, chì sinn gu soilleir gu bheil daoine ann a tha an còmhnaidh a’ dol aig astar.”
“If we look at people in the world, we can clearly see that there are some people who are always rushing around.”
Ma bhitheas (bhios) mi - If I’m (will be)
Ma choimheadas mi - If I look
Ma chuireas mi - If I put/send
Ma chumas mi - If I keep
Ma dh’fhàsas mi - If I become/grow
Ma ghabhas mi - If I take
Ma smaoinicheas mi - If I think
(3) A (‘who’, ‘which’ & various): — AS
“Air a’ cheann thall, ’s dòcha gur e an dàrna fear a chuireas barrachd obrach às a dhèidh.”
“At the end of the day, maybe it’s the second man who’ll put in more work (‘puts more work after him’).”
Ciamar A bhitheas (bhios) mi a’ siubhal? How will I be travelling?
Nuair A choimheadas mi orra - When I look at them
Am parsail A chuireas mi thugad - The parcel (which) I’ll send you
Sin an aon rud A chumas mi an seo. That’s the only thing which keeps me here.
Mar A dh’fhàsas tu sean - As you get (become) old
Dè (A) ghabhas tu? What will you have (take)?
Gach triop A smaoinicheas mi air - Every time I think about it (sm never lenites)
“Chì sinn gu bheil feadhainn eile ann le ceum a tha socair.”
“We see that there are others with a step that’s calm, others with a calm approach.”
“Gheibh iadsan spionnadh nuadh.”
“They will get a new vigour.”
Àireamh glè bheag de ghnìomhairean aig a bheil cruth sònraichte, nach dèan diofar sam bith eadar (1), (2) agus (3).
A very small number of verbs with a special form, which make no difference between (1), (2) and (3).
CHÌ sinn. We’ll see.
Ma chì thu iad, innis dhomh. If you see them, tell me.
Innis dhomh dè a’ chiad rud a chì thu. Tell me (what’s) the first thing (which) you see.
GHEIBH iad thu. They will find.
Ma gheibh iad faisg oirnn, innsidh mi dhuibh. If they get close to us, I’ll tell you.
Ciamar a gheibh sinn troimhe? How will we get through?
THÈID sinn ann còmhla. We’ll go together.
Bidh e nas fhasa ma thèid sinn ann còmhla. It’ll be easier if we go together.
Uair sam bith a thèid mi ann, togaidh e mo chridhe. Every time I go, it lifts my spirits (my heart).
BHEIR sinn dhachaigh iad. We’ll bring them home.
Ma bheir thu £20 leat, bidh sin gu leòr. If you bring £20, that’ll be enough.
Dè an duais a bheir iad dhut? What prize will they give you?
(5) Negative statement: CHA (+ h)
“Èiridh iad suas mar iolaire air a sgiathan. Ruithidh iad agus cha bhi iad sgìth. Siubhalaidh iad ’s chan fhàs iad fann.
“They will rise up, like an eagle on its wings. They will run and they won’t be tired. They will walk (will travel), and they won’t grow weak.”
Cha bhi mi - I won’t be
Cha choimhead mi - I won’t/don’t look
Cha chuir mi - I won’t/don’t put (or send)
Cha chùm mi - I won’t/don’t keep
Chan fhàs mi - I won’t/don’t grow (or become)
Cha ghabh mi - I won’t/don’t take
Cha smaoinich mi - I won’t/don’t think (sm never lenites)
Siubhlaidh iad - They’ll walk.
Cha shiubhail iad. They won’t walk.
Ruithidh iad - They’ll run.
Cha ruith iad - They won’t run.