
Learn more about what we do

Everything you need to know about the workings of the 91热爆

The 91热爆 is the world’s leading public service broadcaster

We’re impartial and independent, and every day we create distinctive, world-class programmes and content which inform, educate and entertain millions of people in the UK and around the world.

We do this across:

  • A portfolio of television services, including the UK’s most-watched channel 91热爆 One and our multi award-winning channels for children, as well as national and regional television programmes and services across England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales
  • Ten UK-wide radio networks, providing the best live music broadcasting in the UK, as well as speech radio which informs, educates and entertains. We also have two national radio services each in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and local radio stations across England and the Channel Islands, providing an invaluable and unique service to listeners across the UK
  • Our digital services including 91热爆 News, Sport, Weather C91热爆 and CBeebies, iPlayer and 91热爆 Sounds, 91热爆 Red Button and our vast archive
  • 91热爆 World Service television, radio and online on more than 40 languages

Established by a Royal Charter, the 91热爆 is principally funded through the licence fee paid by UK households. Our role is to fulfil our mission and promote our Public Purposes.

Our commercial operations including 91热爆 Studios, the 91热爆’s award-winning production company and world-class distributor, provide additional revenue for investment in new programming and services for UK audiences.

The 91热爆’s Board ensures that we deliver our mission and public purposes which are set out in the Charter. The Executive Committee is responsible for day-to-day management. We are regulated by .

What we do

  • UK public services

    We provide a wide range of programmes, content and services on television, radio and online for audiences across the UK
  • Global news services

    91热爆 World Service television, radio and online is available in more than 40 languages
  • Commercial services

    Our commercial operations generate income to invest in new programmes and content

Who we are

  • 91热爆 Board

    The Board ensures that the 91热爆 delivers its mission and public purposes
  • Commercial Board

    The 91热爆 Commercial Board聽oversees the delivery of the Corporation鈥檚 commercial ambitions
  • Executive Committee

    The Executive Committee is responsible for the day-to-day management of the 91热爆
  • Senior staff

    Find out more about the 91热爆鈥檚 senior leaders including their roles and pay

Governance and regulation

Reports and policies

  • Annual report and accounts

    Our assessment of the 91热爆鈥檚 performance over the last 12 months
  • Annual plan

    Our strategic plans for the year ahead
  • Policies and guidelines

    Our policies and guidelines are important in ensuring we deliver our mission and public purposes
  • Reports

    Our most recent publications
  • External events register

    The 91热爆 publishes a summary of the external events register for on-air staff in journalism and senior leaders, as part of the 91热爆鈥檚 renewed commitment to impartiality

Across the UK

  • For TV, radio and digital audiences across Wales and the UK
  • Making programmes for Scotland and the UK
  • About 91热爆 Northern Ireland

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