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Oisean a’ Ghràmair Sreath 12: 6

CRIOMAG: Mark Wringe le Màiri Kidd & Pàdraig MacAoidh
(‘Leugh an Leabhar’)

1. X is a Y: Tha X na (‘in its’) Y.
XXXs are YYYs: Tha XXX nan (‘in their’) YYY

Uill, tha an dithis agaibh nur sgrìobhaichean. A Mhàiri, A Mhàiri Kidd, tha thusa nad sgrìobhaiche cuideachd.”
“The two of you are writers. Mairi, you’re a writer too.”

Tha iad nan sgrìobhaichean. They are writers. (‘in their writers’)
Tha an dithis aca nan sgrìobhaichean. The two of them are writers. (‘in their writers’)
Tha Pàdraig na bhàrd. Peter is a poet. (‘in his poet’)
Tha Màiri na foillsichear. Mairi is a publisher. (‘in her publisher’)

You are writers: Tha sibh nur sgrìobhaichean. (‘in your writers’)
You’re a writer. Tha thusa na do sgrìobhaiche. (‘in your writer’) ***

I’m a something, You’re a something: ‘I’m in my something. You’re in your something.’
A bheil thu na do sgrìobhaiche? Are you a writer? (‘in your writer’)
Chan eil, ach tha mi na mo leughadair. No, but I’m a reader. (‘in my reader’)

Tha Pàdraig na bhàrd. Peter is a poet. (‘in his poet’, + lenition)
A bheil Màiri na bàrd cuideachd? Is Màiri a poet too? (‘in her poet’, no lenition)

Tha Màiri na foillsichear. Mairi is a publisher. (‘in her publisher’, no lenition)
A bheil Pàdraig na fhoillsichear cuideachd? Is Pàdraig a publisher too? (‘in his publisher’ + lenition)

Eisimpleirean eile:

Bidh mi nam mhanaidsear bhon ath mhìos. I’ll be a manager from next month. (‘in my manager’)
Tha thusa nad amadan. You’re a fool. (‘in your fool’)
Bha an trampoilin na annas airson greis. The trampoline was a novelty for a while. (‘in its novelty’)
Tha sinn nar prìosanaich a-nise. We’re prisoners now. (‘in our prisoners’)
A bheil sibh uile nur dotairean? Are you all doctors? (‘in your doctors’)
Bha na dealbhan nan tlachd mòr. The pictures were a real pleasure. (‘in their pleasure’)
A bheil na goireasan air-loidhne nan taic dhut? Are the online resources a help to you? (‘in their help’)
Tha na meanbh-chuileagan nam plàigh an-diugh. The midgies are a total nightmare today. (‘in their plague’)

(*** Note / Thoir fa-near:
Words starting in sg never lenite. Cha bhi facail a’ tòiseachadh le sg a’ sèimheachadh uair sam bith.
Tha mi nam sgrìobhaiche. I’m a writer.
Tha thu nad sgeulaiche? Are you a story-teller?
Bidh an togalach sin na sgoil. That building will be a school.)

2. Perfect tenses | Tràthan coileanta: THA / BHA mi AIR...

Bha iad a’ feitheamh air a’ chiad leirmheas sin, agus ’s ann an uair sin (mar gum biodh) a bha iad a’ faireachdainn gun robh an leabhar air a thighinn beò.”
“They were waiting for that first review, and it’s only then (so to speak / as it were) they felt the book had come alive / had become real.”

Bha an leabhar a’ tighinn beò. The book was coming alive.
Bha an leabhar air t(h)ighinn beò. The book had come alive.

Tha an leabhar a’ tighinn beò. The book is coming alive.
Tha an leabhar air tighinn beò. The book has come alive.

Bha mi a’ bruidhinn riutha. I was speaking to them.
Bha mi air bruidhinn riutha. I had spoken to them.

Tha na caoraich a’ teicheadh. The sheep are running away.
Tha na caoraich air teicheadh. The sheep have run away.

A bheil am prògram a’ còrdadh ribh? Are you enjoying the programme?
A bheil am prògram air còrdadh ribh? Have you enjoyed the programme?
(‘Has the programme agreed with you?’)