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Oisean a' Ghràmair 8

Puing 1: BIDH An tràth teachdail – ‘the future tense’

San àm ri teachd [in the future]:

Bidh mi a’ falbh a-màireach aig a h-ochd.
I will be leaving tomorrow at 8.
Bidh am program ùr a’ tòiseachadh an ath mhìos.
The new program will start next month.

Mar as trice [habitually]:

Bidh mi a’ snàmh dà uair san t-seachdain.
I swim twice a week.
Am bi thu a’ tighinn an seo tric?
Do you come here often?

Puing 2: BHIOS

Bidh (no Bithidh) → BHIOS (no BHITHEAS)
às dèidh Cò, Dè, Ciamar a , Cuin a, Carson a:

bhios ann?
Who’ll be there?
bhios tu* a’ dèanamh?
What will you be doing?
Ciamar a bhios tu* a’ siubhal?
How will you be travelling?
Cuin a bhios sibh a’ falbh?
When will you be going away?
Carson a bhios iad a’ stad?
Why do they stop?

* As dèidh bhios/bhitheas, thuTU.

Gheibhear bhios às dèidh Ma (‘if’) agus a (‘which/who’) cuideachd:

Ma bhios tu saor a-màireach, leig fios dhomh.
If you’re free tomorrow let me know.
Seo am fòn-làimhe a bhios mi a’ faighinn.
This is the mobile I’ll be getting.


Gheibhear – as leis a’ mhòrchuid de ghnìomhairean [verbs] eile cuideachd.
Mar eisimpleir:

Dè ghabhas tu?
What will you have (to drink or eat)?
...cho luath ’s a ghabhas soon/ as quickly as possible
Ciamar a chanas tu sin ann an Gàidhlig?
How do you say that in Gaelic?
Ma chluinneas tu fuaim sam bith, teich!
If you hear any sound, run for it!
Cò leughas e?
Who’ll read it?

Puing a bharrachd:

Tha àireamh bheag de ghnìomhairean (verbs) cumanta aig nach eil –idh no –as idir san tràth theachdail:

thig a-màireach?
Who’ll come tomorrow?
Thig an teaghlach air fad.
The whole family will come.

Gheibh thu do dhonas airson seo!
You’ll get hell for this!
Dè gheibh thu air a shon?
What will you get for it?

Thèid sinn ann còmhla.
We’ll go together.
Ciamar a thèid thu ann?
How will you go there?

sinn rudeigin feasgar.
We’ll do something this afternoon.
Ma nì thu sin,...
If you do that,...

Bheir mi leam cèic agus botal fìon.
I’ll bring cake and a bottle of wine.
Cuin a bheir thu dhomh an t-airgead?
When will you give me the money?