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Oisean a' Ghràmair: Sreath 6: 8

CRIOMAG: Dòmhnall is Seumas @ 30

1. SÙIL AIR AIS: -INN: ‘I would’ (Faic Prògram 7)

I would say: chanainn
I would go: dheidhinn
I would be: bhithinn

Màiri Anna NicDhòmhnaill:
Bhithinn-s’ a’ tòiseachdainn air m’ obair uaireannan aig còig uairean sa mhadainn.”
I’d be starting my work sometimes at five in the morning.’
(Bhiodh mi: Bhithinn. Bhiodh mise: Bhithinn-sa.)

“Bha fhios a’m nuair a ruiginn a-staigh dhan oifis, gum faighinn rudeigin ri ithe.”
“I knew when I’d reach the office (when I’d arrive in the office) that I would get (find) something to eat.”


Dh’èirich iad ro mheadhan-latha.
‘They got up before midday.’
Èistidh mi riutsa ro dhuine sam bith eile.
‘I’ll listen to you before anybody else.’
Ghabh sinn biadh ron a’ chonsart.
‘We ate before the concert.’

romham ‘before me, ahead of me, in front of me’
romhad ‘before you, in front of you’
roimhe ‘before him/it, in front of him/it’ (also pronounced: reimhe)
roimhpe ‘before her, in front of her’ (also pronounced: reimhpe)

romhainn ‘before us, in front of us’
romhaibh ‘before you, in front of you’
romhpa ‘before them, in front of them’

Màiri Anna NicDhòmhnaill:
“A-staigh dhan oifis, agus Màiri Anna cho sona a’ fosgladh an drabhair; bha goodies gu bhith roimhpe.”
“Into the office, and Mairi Anna merrily opens the drawer, looking forward to her goodies (‘there were goodies about to be before her, ahead (of her)’).”

ROIMHE : ‘before, earlier’ (adverb), m.e.
‘I’ve spoken to them before, I spoke to them earlier.’
Bhruidhinn mi riutha roimhe.
‘Have you ever done this before?’
An do rinn thu seo riamh roimhe? ‘
‘I’ve never seen this before.’
Chan fhaca mi seo riamh roimhe.

3. BEFORE + verb: MUS

Màiri Anna NicDhòmhnaill:
“Agus aig còig uairean sa mhadainn, chan eil tìde agad toast a dhèanamh mus fhàg thu an taigh.”
“At five a.m. you don’t have time to make toast before you leave the house.”

Mus falbh thu ‘Before you go’
Mus bruidhinn thu ‘Before you speak’
Mus tèid thu a-mach ‘Before you go out
Mus deach thu a-mach ‘Before you went out’

4. GABH + a dhèanamh / a chreids’, etc. : ‘to be –able (doable / believable, etc.)’

Dòmhnall Moireasdan:
“Feumaidh mi aideachadh nach eil cuimhn’ a’m air, ach gabhaidh a chreids’, gabhaidh a chreids’.”
“I have to admit that I’ve no memory of it, but it’s believable, it’s believable.”

Gabhaidh sinn an trèana.
‘We’ll take the train.’
Gabhaidh mise tè bheag.
‘I’ll take a wee one, I’ll have a dram.’
Gabhaidh e dèanamh. No Gabhaidh a dhèanamh.
‘It can be done, it’s doable.’
Cha ghabh a dhèanamh fhathast.
‘It can’t be done yet.’
An gabh a chur air ais?
‘Can it be put back, postponed?’
Cha ghabh a sheachnadh.
‘It’s unavoidable, it can’t be avoided.’
Cha ghabh a chreidsinn.
‘It can’t be believed, it’s unbelievable.’
Gabhaidh a chreids’.
‘It can be believed, it’s believable.’

Magaidh Choineagan & Dòmhnall Moireasdan:
“A Dhòmhnaill, nach tu bha treun!” “Nach mi bha modhail gun do dh’fhàg mi not!”
“That was brave of you, Donald!” (“Isn’t it you was brave!”)
“That was so considerate of me to leave a note!” (“Wasn’t it considerate of me that I left a note!”

Nach e bha laghach!
‘Wasn’t he nice, he was so nice!’ (‘Isn’t it him who was nice!’)
Nach i bha luath!’
‘Wasn’t she quick! She was so fast!’ (‘Isn’t it her who was fast!’)
Nach sinne rinn math!
‘Didn’t we do well!’ (‘Isn’t it us who did well!’)
Nach sibhse tha foighidneach!
‘You’re so patient!’ (‘Isn’t it you who are patient!’)


ach gun = gus / airson ’s gun
‘in order that..., so that...’

Dh’fhosgail mi an doras ach gum faigheadh an cù a-steach a-rithist.
‘I opened the door so that the dog could get in later.’
Dùin an doras ach nach caill sinn an teas.
‘Close the door so we don’t lose the heat.’

Màiri Anna NicDhòmhnaill:
“Bhiodh briosgaidean is crisps is teòclaid is ùbhlan is bananas – a h-uile càil ach gum biodh e romham aig a còig.”
“There would be biscuits and crisps and chocolate and apples and bananas – everything so that it would be in front of me at 5 a.m.”