Oisean a’ Ghrà mair 2
fuaimreag – vowel
Puing 1
mo + fuaimreag
m’ athair - ar n-athair **
d’ athair - ur n-athair **
(a) athair / (a) h-athair * - an athair
* Mar as trice, air beulaibh fuaimreag, cha chluinnear a idir, mar sin:
‘his father’: athair
‘her father’: h-athair
** Air beulaibh fuaimreag: ar → ar n-
ur → ur n-
Puing 2
Abairtean a tha ag innse càit a bheil duine/rud:
ri taobh (‘beside’) m.e. ri taobh na drochaid
air beulaibh (‘in front of’) m.e. air beulaibh dhaoine
air cùl (‘behind’) m.e. air cùl an dorais
os cionn (‘above’) m.e. os cionn an taighe
‘beside me’: ri mo thaobh (smaoinich air a’ Bheurla ‘by my side’)
ri mo thaobh - beside me
ri do thaobh - beside you
ri a thaobh / ri a taobh - beside him / her
ri ar taobh - beside us
ri ur taobh - beside you (pl.)
ri an taobh - beside them
‘in front of me’: air mo bheulaibh (smaoinich air a’ Bheurla ‘at my front’)
air mo bheulaibh - in front of me
air do bheulaibh - in front of you
air a beulaibh / air a beulaibh - in front of him / her
air ar beulaibh - in front of us
air ur beulaibh - in front of you (pl.)
air am beulaibh - in front of them
‘behind me’: air mo chùl (smaoinich air a’ Bheurla ‘at my back’)
air mo chùl - behind me
air do chùl - behind you
air a chùl / air a cùl - behind him / her
air ar cùl - behind us
air ur cùl - behind you (pl.)
air an cùl - behind them
‘above me’: os mo chionn (smaoinich air a’ Bheurla ‘over my head’)
os mo chionn - above me
os do chionn - above you
os a chionn / os a cionn - above him / her
os ar cionn - above us
os ur cionn - above you (pl.)
os an cionn - above them