Oisean a' Ghrà mair: Sreath 7: 8
Criomag: Fianais (Betty Mhàrtainn agus Iain Moireasdan)
1. DO: DHOMH, DHUT, DHA, DHI, etc. | ‘FOR me / TO me’
Betty Mhàrtainn:
“Agus thug an dràibhear dhomhsa seacaid agus shìn mi air an làr agus chuir mi dhiom an t-aodach dearg a bh’ orm, fhios agad?”
“The (bus) driver gave me a jacket, and I was down on the floor of the bus and I took off the red garment I was wearing, you know?”
Prògram 7:
B’ fheudar dhomh. ‘I had to.’ (’It was necessary for me.’)
B’ fheudar dhan teaghlach teicheadh. ‘The family had to flee.’ (’It was necessary for the family to flee.’)
do + mi dhomh do + sinn dhuinn
do + thu dhut do + sibh dhuibh
do + e dha do + iad dhaibh
do + i dhi
INNS DO (tell, tell to)
Inns dhomh. ‘Tell me (‘to me’).’
Inns dhuinn dè tha dol agad. ‘Tell us (‘to us’) your news.’
Chan inns mi sìon dhut. ‘I won’t tell you (‘to you’) a thing.’
Dh’innis iad dhan dotair gu robh dragh orra.
‘They told the doctor (‘to the doctor’) that they were worried.’
THOIR DO (give, give to)
Thoir dhomh. ‘Give me (‘to me’).’
Dè thug iad dha? ‘What did they give him (‘to him’)?’
Thug iad dhi duais. ‘They gave her (‘to her’) a prize.’
Thoir dhuinn gloinne fìon, pinnt lager, agus cofaidh geal.
‘Give us (‘to us’) a glass of wine, a pint of lager and a white coffee.’
Bheir mi dhut rud sam bith a thogras tu.
‘I’ll give you (‘to you’) anything you wish.’
Thoir dhaibh am bocsa sin.
‘Give them (‘to them’) that box.’
Bheir sinn seacaid dhan nighean.
‘We’ll give the girl (‘to the girl’) a jacket.’
2. CUIR + DE (DHÌOM, DHÌOT, DHETH, DHITH, etc.) | ‘OF/OFF (me, you, etc)’
Betty Mhàrtainn:
“...shìn mi air an làr agus chuir mi dhìom an t-aodach dearg a bh’ orm.”
“I stretched out on the floor and I took off the red garment I was wearing.”
de + mi dhìom de + sinn dhinn
de + thu dhìot de + sibh dhibh
de + e dheth de + iad dhiubh
de + i dhith
Chuir mi dhìom an t-aodach dearg.
‘I took off (‘put off me’) the red garment.’
Nach cuir thu dhìot do chòta?
‘Won’t you take off (‘put off you’) your coat?’
Chuir e dheth a sheacaid agus a bhrògan.
‘He took off (‘put off him’) his jacket and shoes.’
Chuir ise dhith a seacaid agus a brògan.
‘She took off (‘put off her’) her jacket and shoes.’
Cuir dheth an solas sa bhad!
‘Turn off (off it) the light immediately!’
Cuir dheth an compiutair nuair bhios tu deiseil.
‘Switch off (off it) the computer when you’re done.’
Abairtean eile:
Sguir dheth! ‘Stop it!’ (‘Stop off it’)
Sguir dhe sin! ‘Stop that!’ (‘Stop off that’)
Tha mi sgìth dhìot. ‘I’m tired of you.’
Tha mi seachd sgìth dhiubh. ‘I’m fed up with them.’
3. CHAIDH MO THAGHADH ‘I got chosen’
Betty Mhàrtainn:
“Chaidh an suidhe còmhla, sin an dara mearachd a chaidh a dhèanamh.”
“They got sat together, that’s the second mistake that was made.”
‘X [thing/person] got done’: Chaidh [X] a dhèanamh. (Faicibh Prògraman 1 & 6):
Chaidh tarbh a thoirt a-nall.
‘A bull was brought / got brought over.’
Chaidh ceist a thogail.
‘A question got raised / was raised.’
Chaidh mearachdan a dhèanamh.
‘Mistakes got made / were made.’
Chaidh na h-Eadailtich ’s na Sasannaich a shuidhe còmhla.
‘The Italians and the English got sat together.’
‘I got brought over’, ‘You got chosen’, ‘It got raised’, ‘They got made’, etc :
MO, DO, A, etc.
‘I got chosen.’ Chaidh mo thaghadh. (‘my choosing’)
‘You got brought over.’ Chaidh do thoirt a-nall. (‘your bringing’)
‘He/It got raised.’ Chaidh a thogail. (‘his raising’)
‘She/It got raised.’ Chaidh a togail. (‘her raising’)
‘We got brought over.’ Chaidh ar toirt a-nall. (‘our bringing’)
‘You all got chosen.’ Chaidh ur taghadh. (‘your choosing’)
‘They got placed together.’ Chaidh an cur còmhla. (‘their placing’)
4. Sùil air ais gu Program 3:
THA MI AIR seo a dhèanamh | ‘I HAVE done this’ (Perfect tense)
Iain Moireasdan & Betty Mhàrtainn:
Iain: “Agus an e sin daoine a bha dìreach air a bhith staigh ... ’s bha iad air an trioblaid fhaicinn?”
Betty: “Bha ’s bha iad air tighinn a-mach, fhios agad.”
Iain: “And is this people who had just been inside [the stadium]... and they had seen the trouble?”
Betty: “Yes, and they had come out, you know.”
Tha mi air tighinn a-mach. ‘I’ve come out.’
Bha mi air tighinn a-mach. ‘I had come out.’
Tha iad air a bhith a’ tighinn a-mach fad uairean. ‘They’ve been coming out for hours.’