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Oisean a' Ghràmair: Sreath 2: 3


gun airgead ‘without money’
gun dragh ‘without any bother’
gun duilgheadas ‘without difficulty’
gun leisgeul ‘with no excuse’ Dh’fhalbh iad gun leisgeul sam bith.
gun sgillinn ruadh (na mo sporan) ‘without a penny (in my wallet)’
gun sgur ‘non-stop’. Bha iad a’ bruidhinn gun sgur.
gun teagamh ‘without a doubt, undoubtedly’

Sèimheachadh, mar as trice:

gun bhainne gun shiùcar
Bidh mi a’ gabhail teatha gun bhainne ’s gun shiùcar.
gun chrìoch ‘endless, limitless’
Tha an obair seo gun chrìoch.
gun fheum ‘useless’
Tha seo buileach gun fheum. ‘This is completely useless.’
gun fhasgadh ‘without shelter’
Thug iad an oidhche a-muigh gun fhasgadh sam bith.
‘They spent the night outside without any shelter.’

Ged as urrainnear d is t a shèimheachadh (mar eisimpleir mo dhìnnear, mas e do thoil e), mar as trice cha bhi d no t ag atharrachadh às dèidh n. Mar sin: gun dragh, gun teagamh.

gun fhios / gun fhiosta ‘unawares’, ‘surreptitiously’

Thàinig iad a-staigh gun fhios / gun fhiosta.
‘They came in without anybody knowing’
Thàinig iad a-staigh gun fhios / gun fhiosta dhomh.
‘They came in without me knowing.’
Gabhaidh sinn an càr gun fhios dha do phàrantan.
‘We’ll take the car without your parents knowing’.

gun fhios nach…: ‘in case’

Thoir leat am mapa gun fhios nach tèid thu ceàrr.
‘Take the map with you in case you go wrong.’
Dùin an doras gun fhios nach teich an cat.
‘Shut the door in case the cat runs out.’

gun luaidh air : ‘not to mention’, ‘never mind...’

Chan urrainn dhomh èirigh bhom leabaidh, gun luaidh air coiseachd dha na bùithtean.
‘I can’t get out of bed, never mind go to the shops.’
Bha an talla loma làn, gun luaidh air an t-sluagh mhòr a bha a’ feitheamh a-muigh.
‘The hall was packed full, not to mention the crowd that was waiting outside.’


Dh’iarr mi ort gun sin a dhèanamh.
‘I asked you not to do that.’
Dh’iarr mi orra gun an doras fhosgladh.
‘I asked them not to open the door.’
Bha mi a’ feuchainn gun a bhith a’ bruidhinn ro luath.
‘I was trying not to speak too fast.’
B’ fheàrr leam gun a bhith a’ falbh fhathast.
‘I’d rather not be leaving yet.’
Tha e doirbh gun a bhith a’ call foighidinn.
‘It’s hard not to lose patience.’