Oisean a' Ghrà mair: Sreath 7: 3
Criomagan: Aithris na Maidne: MBEs agus Canada 150.
1. NA....DE | all the..., the amount of...
Darren Laing (Aithris na Maidne):
“Ghlèidh Ceana Chaimbeul MBE airson na rinn i de bhrosnachadh na Gàidhlig, de cheòl is de dh’fhoghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig.”
“Kenna Campbell won an MBE for all the Gaelic promotion, music and GME education she had achieved.’
na rinn i de bhrosnachadh - ‘what she did of promotion, all the promotion she did’
na rinn i de cheòl - ‘what she did of music, all the music she made’
na rinn i de dh’fhoghlam - ‘what she did of education, the amount of education she did’
An t-Urramach Ruairidh MacLeòid (Aithris na Maidne):
“(Tha e) toirt air ais gu mo chuimhne na chuidich mi de dhaoine fad nam bliadhnachan.”
‘It reminds me of all the people who helped me through the years.’ (‘all that helped me of people’)
“Tha e na mhisneachadh dhomhsa na tha de mhinistearan a-nis a’ togail na Gàidhlig.
‘It’s encouraging to me the (large) number of ministers who are now picking up Gaelic.’ (‘what there is of ministers’)
A bheil thu a’ faicinn na tha de shneachd air na beanntan?
Do you see the amount of snow on the hills?’ (‘what there is of snow’)
A bheil thu a’ creidsinn na tha de dh’airgead anns a’ mhàileid seo?
‘Can you believe the amount of money in this suitcase?’ (‘what there is of money’)
Chuir e iongnadh orm na rinn iad de dh’obair.
‘It surprised me how much work they did.’ (‘what they did of work’)
Nam faiceadh tu na rinn iad de bhùrach!
‘If you could see what a mess they’ve made, the amount of mess!’ (‘what they made of mess’)
2. DÈ CHO (làidir)? | ‘HOW (strong)?’:
Darren Laing (Aithris na Maidne):
“(Gu) dè cho làidir ’s a tha i an-diugh – gu sònraichte anns an eaglais?
“How strong is it [Gaelic] today – particularly in the church?”
Dè cho làidir ( / Gu dè cho làidir) is a tha i? ‘How strong is it?’
Dè cho mòr is a bha an t-iasg? ‘How big was the fish?’
Dè cho sean is a tha an togalach? ‘How old is the building?’
Dè cho tric ’s a bhios iad a’ tighinn gu tìr? ‘How often do they land?’
Dè cho fadalach ’s a tha am bus? ‘How late is the bus?’
3. THA MI AIR seo a dhèanamh | ‘I HAVE done this’ (Perfect tense)
Dòmhnall Moireasdan (‘Canada 150’):
“Tha feadhainn air oidhirp mhath a dhèanamh air a’ Ghàidhlig a thogail.”
“Some have made a good go of picking up Gaelic.”
“Tha mi air a thighinn dìreach beagan mhiltean air taobh a-muigh Khingston gu cladh Khateraki.”
“I’ve come just a few miles outside Kingston to the Khateraki cemetery.”
“Ach le John A air fàs cho ainmeil ann an eachdraidh Chanada man (= mar) a tha na bliadhnaichean air a dhol seachad, tha iad air plaque oifigeil a chur an seo cuideachd.”
“But with John having become so famous in the history of Canada as the years have gone past, they have put an official plaque here too.”
‘They made a go, they tried’: Rinn iad oidhirp
‘They have made a go, have tried’: Tha iad air oidhirp a dhèanamh.
‘I came’: Thàinig mi
‘I have come’: Tha mi air a thighinn ( / air tighinn)
‘John grew / John became’ - Dh’fhàs John
‘John has grown / has become’ - Tha John air fàs
‘The years went past.’ Chaidh na bliadhnaichean seachad.
‘The years have gone past.’ Tha na bliadhnaichean air a dhol seachad.
‘They put a plaque up.’ Chuir iad suas plaque.
‘They have put a plaque up.’ Tha iad air plaque a chur suas.