Oisean a' Ghrà mair: Sreath 6: 11
CRIOMAG: ‘Farainmean’ (an t-Urr. Ruairidh MacLeòid agus Ailean Caimbeul)
CHO MATH : ‘so good, how good’
Bha an fhèill cho math!
‘The festival was so good!’
Cha robh an dealbh cho soilleir.
‘The picture wasn’t so clear.’
Chan eil iad a’ tuigsinn cho duilich is a tha mi.
‘They don’t understand how sorry I am.’
Chan eil an leabhar agam ag innse cho sean is a tha an caisteal.
‘My book doesn’t say how old the castle is.’
Dè cho sean agus a tha an caisteal?
‘How old is the castle?’
Dè cho daor ’s a bha an t-seacaid sin?
‘How expensive was that jacket?’
CHO MATH : ‘as good’
‘as good as something/someone’: cho math ri...
An t-Urr. Ruairidh MacLeòid:
“Fhios a’d [agad], tha facal neònach anns a’ Ghàidhlig: cho còir ris an fhaoileig.”
“You know, there’s a strange expression in Gaelic: as kind as the seagull.”
Tha mi cho bodhar ris an talamh.
‘I’m as deaf as the earth.’ ( = ‘deaf as a doorpost’)
Bha a’ chlann cho laghach ris an òr.
‘The children were as good/nice as gold.’
Bha an t-iasg cho mòr ri mo ghàirdean.
‘The fish was as big as my arm.’
Bha a’ phiorraid cho aosta rium fhìn.
‘The parrot was as old as me.’
‘as good as...’ + verb: cho math agus a... (cho math is a...)
A bheil e cho math is a tha iad ag ràdh?
‘Is it as good as they say?’
Am bi an fhèill cho mòr is a bha i an-uiridh?
‘Will the festival be as big as it was last year?
2. Muinntir Bharraigh: ‘the people OF Barra’
An t-Urr. Ruairidh MacLeòid:
“Bha bail’ ann air an robh Port nan Long. ’S e Faoileagan Phort nan Long a bh’ aca orra.”
“There was a township called (‘on which there was’) Port nan Long (‘the Port of the Ships’). It’s the Gulls of Port nan Long they called them (‘they had on them’).”
“Tha e coltach gu robh muinntir Phort nan Long, gur e daoine coibhneil a bh’ annta.”
“It seems that the folk of Port nan Long, that they were kind people.”
faoileagan Phort nan Long
‘the gulls of Port nan Long’
muinntir Phort Rìgh
‘the inhabitants of Portree’
Eilean Bheàrnaraigh
‘the isle of Berneray’
Port-adhair Bharraigh
‘the airport of Barra, Barra airport’
Baile mòr Ghlaschu
‘The city of Glasgow’
Stèisean Dhùn Phris
‘the station of Dumfries, Dumfries Station’
Colaiste Shealtainn
‘the college of Shetland, Shetland College’
Rubha Fhìobha
‘the headland of Fife, Fife Ness’
3. Puingean eile
An t-Urr. Ruairidh MacLeòid:
“Aon uair ’s gun lorg an fhaoileag biadh air choireigin, chan urrainn dhi bhith na tàmh.”
“Once the gull (feminine) finds some kind of food, she can’t be quiet (it’s not possible for her to be in her rest.)”
am fitheach - fireanta (masculine) an fhaoileag - boireanta (feminine)
Aon uair ’s gun lorg am fitheach biadh, chan urrainn dha bhith na thàmh.
“Once the raven (masculine) finds food, he can’t be quiet (it’s not possible for him to be in his rest).”
faoileag - ‘a gull’ (feminine)
an fhaoileag (‘an aoileag’) - ‘the gull’
Bha an fhaoileag na cadal.
fèis - ‘a festival’ (feminine)
an fhèis (‘an èis’) - ‘the festival’
Bha an fhèis cho math.
A bhith na do thàmh
‘to be at rest, to be quiet’:
Chan urrainn dhomh bhith na mo thàmh.
‘I can’t be quiet.’
Chan urrainn dhut bhith na do thàmh.
‘You can’t be quiet.’
Chan urrainn dha bhith na thàmh.
‘He can’t be quiet’
Chan urrainn dhi bhith na tàmh.
‘She can’t be quiet.’