Oisean a' Ghrà mair 10
Puing 1: mo, do, a... + gnìomh-ainmear (verbal noun)
‘(to) hear me’ mo chluinntinn ‘my hearing’
‘(to) see you’ d’ fhaicinn ‘your seeing’
‘(to) do it’ a dhèanamh ‘its doing’
Mar Eiseamplair:
Feumaidh tu mo chuideachadh.
‘You must help me.’ (‘my helping’)
Feumaidh mi d’ fhaicinn.
‘I have to see you.’ (‘your seeing’)
B’ urrainn dhomh d’ fhaicinn a-màireach.
‘I could see you tomorrow.’
Bu chòir dhut mo chreidsinn.
‘You should believe me.’ (‘my believing’)
Tha mi ag iarraidh a faicinn.
‘I want to see her.’ (‘her seeing’)
Bu toil leam a chluinntinn.
‘I’d like to hear it.’ (‘its hearing’)
Cha robh e furasta d’ fhaicinn.
‘It wasn’t easy to see you.’
Bidh agad ri a thoirt leat.
‘You’ll have to bring it.' (‘its bringing’)
Cha bhi e comasach dhi ar togail.
‘It won’t be possible for her to pick us up.’(‘our picking up’)
Cha b’ fhiach an ceannach.
‘It wasn’t worth buying them.’ (‘their buying’)
B’ fheàrr leam ur toirt ann.
‘I’d rather take you there’. (‘your taking’)
Puing 2: GABH
Gabh mo leisgeul!
Excuse me! (‘take my excuse’)
Dè ghabhas tu?
What will you have (to eat or drink)?
Ghabh iad eagal.
They took fright.
Gabh seachad air a’ gharaids, agus an uair sin gabh gu do làimh chlì.
‘Go past the garage and then go left’.
Ghabh iad sìos an rathad.
‘They went down the road.’
GABH + le gniomh-ainmear : ‘can be / could be’
Dè ghabhas dèanamh?
‘What can be done?’
Cha ghabh seo càradh.
‘This can’t be fixed’.
An gabh na balgain-buachair seo ithe?
‘Are these mushrooms edible?’
Cha ghabhadh an uinneag fosgladh.
‘The window couldn’t be opened.’
Cha robh fhios agam nach gabhadh na balgain-buachair ithe.
‘I didn’t know the mushrooms weren’t edible.’