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Oisean a' Ghràmair: Sreath 5: 5

1. Sùil air ais (Revision): AIR (faighneachd)

Cathy NicDhòmhnaill (‘Feasgar: Mucan-Mara’):
“Nam biodh tu air faighneachd dhomh an-dè cò sgrìobh Moby Dick, cha b’ urrainn dhomh a bhith air innse dhut idir.”
“If you had asked me yesterday who wrote Moby Dick, I couldn’t have told you at all.”

Tha mi air foighneachd. ‘I have asked.’
Bha mi air faighneachd. ‘I had asked.’
Nam biodh tu air faighneachd... ‘If you would have asked me, if you’d asked me....’


2. ...NO mise / ...IS mise: ‘me neither’ / ‘me too’

Dòmhnall MacSuain agus Cathy NicDhòmhnaill (‘Feasgar: Mucan-Mara’):
“ ...cha b’ urrainn dhomh a bhith air innse dhut idir.” “Cha b’ urrainn no mise.
“I couldn’t have told you at all.” “Neither could I. / Me neither.”

‘Me neither. Nor me’:

Cha bhi Màiri a’ dol air saor-làithean am-bliadhna. Cha bhi no mise.
‘Mairi won’t be going on holiday this year. Me neither.’
Chan eil a’ chlann ag iarraidh am film sin fhaicinn. Chan eil no mise.
‘The children don’t want to see that film. Me neither.’
Cha robh iad toilichte idir. Cha robh no mise.
‘They weren’t at all happy. Nor me.’
Cha chuala i guth ma dheidhinn. Cha chuala no mise.
‘She didn’t hear a thing about it. Me neither.’
Cha deach iad faisg air an abhainn. Cha deach no mise.
‘They didn’t go anywhere near the river. Me neither.’
Chan fhaca mi riamh rud cho bòidheach. Chan fhaca no mise.
‘I’ve never seen anything so beautiful. Neither have I.’

‘Me too’:

Tha mise sgìth. Tha is (/ agus) mise!
‘I’m tired. Me too.’
Bidh a’ chlann toilichte gu leòr an seo. Bithidh is mise.
‘The kids will be happy enough here. So will I.
Bha Peigi airson falbh. Bha is mise.
‘Peggy wanted to go. As did I.’
Chunnaic iad mucan-mara an-diugh. Chunnaic is mise.
‘They saw whales today. So did I.’
Chaidh iad sìos dhan an abhainn an-dè. Chaidh is mise.
‘They went down to the river yesterday. So did I.’

3. MUS deach..., MUS robh..., etc.: ‘BEFORE’ + verb

Dòmhnall MacSuain (‘Feasgar: Mucan-Mara’):
“Tha mucan-mhara beò an-diugh a rugadh mus deach Moby Dick a sgrìobhadh.”
“There are whales alive today who were born before Moby Dick got written.”

‘Moby Dick got written in the 19th century.’
Chaidh Moby Dick a sgrìobhadh san naoidheamh linn deug.
Before Moby Dick got written’:
Mus deach Moby Dick a sgrìobhadh

Chaidh sinn a-mach. ‘We went out’
Cha deach sinn a-mach. ‘We didn’t go out.’
mus deach sinn a-mach, ‘before we went out’
Ghabh sinn greim-bìdh mus deach sinn a-mach.
‘We had a bite to eat before we went out.’

Bha sinn deiseil. ‘We were ready.’
Cha robh sinn deiseil. ‘We weren’t ready.’
mus robh sinn deiseil - ‘before we were ready’
Bha e ochd uairean mus robh sinn deiseil.
‘It was 8 o’clock before we were ready.’

Chunnaic mi
Chan fhaca mi sgeul orra. ‘I saw no sign of them.’
mus faca mi - ‘before I saw’
Chuala mi am fuaim mus faca mi na bha a’ tachairt.
‘I heard the noise before I saw what was happening.’

Sgrìobh e dà nobhail. ‘He wrote two novels.’
Cha do sgrìobh e an litir sin. ‘He didn’t write that letter.’
mus do sgrìobh e - ‘before he wrote’
Bha e ag obair aig muir mus do sgrìobh e an nobhail.
‘He was working at sea before he wrote the novel.’

Dòmhnall MacSuain (‘Feasgar: Mucan-Mara’):
“Agus am fear a sgrìobh an leabhar, Herman Melville, bha esan ag obair, a’ sealg mhucan-mhara airson dreiseag mus do sgrìobh e an leabhar.”
“And the man who wrote the book, Herman Melville, he was working hunting whales for a while before he wrote the book.”

4. SHUAS / SUAS SHIOS / SIOS: ‘up’ ‘down’ (location / motion)

Dòmhnall MacSuain (‘Feasgar: Mucan-Mara’):
“...’s ann shuas anns an Arctic, tha mi smaoineachadh, a tha iad sin.”
“...‘it’s up in the Arctic, I think, that those [ones] are.”

SHUAS airson àite (location), SUAS airson gluasad (motion)

SHUAS airson àite (location):
Tha na mucan-mara ‘bowhead’ shuas anns an Arctic.
‘The bowheads are up in the Arctic.’
Chunnaic mi an cat agad shuas anns a’ chraoibh.
‘I saw your cat up in the tree.’
Bha sinn shìos aig an abhainn.
‘We were down at the river.’
Cuimhnichibh gum faigh sibh mìneachadh agus eisimpleirean shuas air-loidhne.
‘Remember you’ll find explanations and examples up online.’
Shìos aig bonn na duilleig.
‘Down at the bottom of the page.’

SUAS airson gluasad (motion):
Chaidh sinn sìos dhan an abhainn an-dè.
‘We went down to the river yesterday.’
Chaidh e suas a ruith feòrag.
‘He went up to chase a squirrel.’
Bidh an sgioba a’ dol suas dhan Arctic.
‘The team will be going up to the Arctic.’
Cuiridh mi am fiosrachadh suas air an làraich-lìn.
‘I’ll put the information up on the website.’
Ma tha e a’ fàs trom, cuir sìos e.
‘If it gets heavy, put it down.’