Oisean a' Ghrà mair: Sreath 2: 9
T-S agus FH
samhradh ‘summer’
fad an t-samhraidh ‘all summer, the whole summer’
as t-samhradh ‘in the summer time’
saoghal ‘world’
air feadh an t-saoghail ‘all over the world, throughout the world’
anns an t-saoghal ‘in the world’
sùil ‘eye’
Chaog mi an t-sùil ris.
‘I winked at him.’
Rinn mi an t-sùil bheag rithe.
‘I winked at her.’ (‘I made the wee eye at her.’)
taitneach don t-sùil ‘easy on the eye, attractive’
Tha Jennifer Aston is Gerard Butler taitneach don t-sùil (’s dòcha), ach an e actairean math a th’ annta?
‘They’re maybe eye-candy but are they good actors?’
sluagh ‘crowd, people’
Chaill mi iad anns an t-sluagh. ‘I lost them in the crowd.’
Dh’fhalbh sinn am measg an t-sluaigh. ‘We went wandering among the crowd’
fidheall an fhidheall ‘the fiddle, violin’
feòil an fheòil ‘the meat’
fuil an fhuil ‘the blood’
Chan aithne dhomh an fhidheall a chluich.
‘I don’t know how to play the violin’
Càit a bheil an fheòil sa bhùth seo?
‘Where’s the meat in this shop?’
Ma bhios sibh a’ còcaireachd ’s a’ bruich feòil, nach eil an fhuil a’ cur dragh ort?
‘Doesn’t the blood bother you?
An toil leat na sreathan forensic air telebhisean, mar CSI? Nach eil an fhuil a’ cur dragh ort?
‘Doesn’t the blood bother you?
feasgar ‘afternoon/evening’
fuaim ‘noise, sound’
Chluich mo nàbaidh an fhidheall fad an fheasgair.
‘My neighbour played the fiddle all afternoon.’
Cha b’ urrainn dhomh smaoineachadh leis an fhuaim.
‘I couldn’t think for the noise.’
(2) CUINE:
Air uairean, an diofar eadar ainmear fireann ♂ is ainmear boireann Ó˶Ä.
As dèidh ‘the’, tha sèimheachadh air ainmearan boireann, mar eisimpleir fuil → an fhuil (f sàmhach).
Ach as dèidh ‘the’, tha s a’ dol gu t-s (anns a bheil an s sàmhach):
♂am bòrd (‘the table’) ach ♀a’ bhò (the cow)
♂am fiodh (‘the wood’) ach ♀an fhidheall (‘the fiddle, violin’)
♂am fear (‘the man’) ach ♀an fheòil (‘the meat’)
♂am fùdar (‘the powder’) ach ♀an fhuil (‘the blood’)
♂an solas (‘the light’) ach ♀an t-sùil (‘the eye’)
♂an sreath (‘the series’) ach ♀an t-sràid (‘the street’)
Le roimhear (preposition), m.e. aig an, leis an, air an, don, etc)
leis an t-sluagh
as t-samhradh (anns an t-samhradh)
anns an t-sluagh
leis an fhuaim
ginideach (fireann) / masculine genitive
fad an fheasgair ‘all afternoon’ (‘the length of the afternoon’)
fad an t-samhraidh ‘all summer’ (‘the length of the summer’)
am measg an t-sluaigh ‘among the crowd’ (‘in the midst of the crowd’)
air feadh an t-saoghail ‘all over the world’ (‘on the extent of the world’)