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Oisean a' Ghràmair: Sreath 4: 6

1. Sùil air ais: an IOLRA (plural) le –AICHEAN

Jo NicDhòmhnaill (‘Ethel Bassin’)

“....agus às dèidh beagan bhliadhnaichean a’ teagasg ceòl”
“....and after a few years teaching music”

....cuid dha na h-òrain a bha a’ nochdadh anns na leabhraichean aice fhèin, Songs of the Hebrides, leabhraichean air an robh fèill mhòr aig an àm.”
“....some of the songs that appeared in her own books, books that were very popular at the time.”

Seumas Dòmhnallach (‘Feasgar’)

“....agus dè rinn Seumas ach chuir e na litrichean cas ma seach”
“....and what did Seumas do but put the letters the wrong way round”

bliadhna bliadhnaichean year(s)
leabhar leabhraichean book(s)
litir litrichean letter(s)

(FAICIBH Prògram 5.)

2. Ginideach iolra (genitive plural) le -ACH

Jo NicDhòmhnaill (‘Ethel Bassin’)

“Chaidh e a dh’obair na mhiseanaraidh am measg nan Iùdhach.”
“He went to work as a missionary among the Jews”.

Iùdhach - ‘a Jew’ na h-Iùdhaich - ‘the Jews’
am measg nan Iùdhach - ‘in the midst of the Jews, among the Jews’

bodach - ‘an old man’ na bodaich - ‘the old men’
am measg nam bodach - ‘in the midst of the old men, among the old men’

boireannach - ‘a woman’ na boireannaich - ‘the women’
am measg nam boireannach - ‘in the midst of the women, among the women’

Albannach - ‘a Scot’ na h-Albannaich - ‘the Scots’
am measg nan Albannach - ‘in the midst of the Scots, among the Scots’

Eisimpleirean ginideach eile (le –ach):

eachdraidh nan Iùdhach ‘the history of the Jews
sgeulachdan nam bodach ‘the old men’s stories’
guthan nam boireannach ‘the women’s voices’
roghainn nan Albannach ‘the choice of the Scots

Eisimpleirean ginideach eile (le –ach):

eilean - ‘an island’ na h-eileanan - ‘the islands’
Radio nan Eilean - ‘the radio of the Islands’,
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar - ‘the Council of the Western Isles’ (‘The Western Isles Council’)

Gàidheal - ‘a Gael’ na Gàidheil - ‘Gaels’
Radio nan Gàidheal - ‘the radio of the Gaels’
Gairm nan Gàidheal - ‘The Call of the Gaels’ (pròiseact mòr mun Chiad Chogadh)

solas - ‘a light’ na solais - ‘the lights’
priobadh nan solas - ‘the flicker of the lights’

marbh - ‘a dead person’ na mairbh - ‘the dead’
Là nam Marbh - ‘the Day of the Dead’ (‘All Souls Day’, 2 Samhain)
guth nam marbh - ‘the voice of the dead’

mac - ‘a son’ na mic - ‘the sons’
dìleab nam mac - ‘the sons’ inheritance’

(FAICIBH CUIDEACHD: Beag air Bheag Sreath 2, Prògram 13.)

3. Ginideach iolra neo-dheimhinne (indefinite genitive plural): SÈIMHEACHADH (lenition)

Jo NicDhòmhnaill (‘Ethel Bassin’)

“Choisinn i .... grunn dhuaisean airson ceòl.”
‘She won a number of prizes for music.”

“....agus às dèidh beagan bhliadhnaichean a’ teagasg ceòl”
“....and after a number of years teaching music”

duaisean - ‘prizes’
grunn dhuaisean - ‘a number of prizes’ (= a few prizes)

càraichean - ‘cars’
pailteas chàraichean - ‘an abundance of cars’ ( = ‘plenty cars’)

pilichean - ‘pills’
botal philichean - ‘a bottle of tablets/pills’

siùcaran - ‘sweets’
pacaid shiùcaran - ‘a packet of sweets’

prògraman - ‘programmes’
sreath phrògraman - ‘a series of programmes’

pàipearan - ‘papers’
mo chuid phàipearan - ‘my lot of papers’ (= my papers)

puingean - ‘points’
tòrr phuingean - ‘a heap of points’ (= lots of points)

shaighdearan - ‘soldiers’
dithis shaighdearan - ‘a twosome of soldiers’ (= two soldiers)

beagan bhliadhnaichean / mòran bhliadhnaichean
‘a few years / many years’ (‘a smallness / a muchness of years’)

(FAICIBH CUIDEACHD: Beag air Bheag Sreath 2, Prògram 13.)

4. AGUS I.... = nuair a bha i....

Jo NicDhòmhnaill (‘Ethel Bassin’)

“Choisinn i mar eisimpleir grunn dhuaisean airson ceòl is i dìreach na sgoilear aig George Watson’s Ladies College.”
“She won, for example, a number of prizes in music when she was just a pupil at George Watson’s Ladies College.”

Bidh aodach annasach orra ’s iad a’ cluich air an àrd-ùrlar.
‘They wear strange outfits when they’re playing on stage.’