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Oisean a' Ghràmair: Sreath 2: 14

RO agus MUS (‘BEFORE’)

‘before, previously’: roimhe

Chunnaic mi roimhe i. ‘I’ve seen her before.’
An rud a thuirt thu roimhe – ‘The thing you said before’
Dè an dath a bha air a falt roimhe? ‘What colour was her hair before?’
riamh roimhe ‘(n)ever before’
Cha do rinn mi seo riamh roimhe. ‘I’ve never done this before.’

an latha roimhe an oidhche roimhe ‘the other day’ ‘the other night’.
Bha mi bruidhinn riutha an latha roimhe. ‘I was speaking to them the other day.’
Bha sinn aig pàrtaidh an oidhche roimhe. ‘We were at a party the other night.’

‘before’ + ainmear: RO

Ciamar a bhios tu a’ gabhail fois ro ghèama?
‘How do you relax before a game?’
Tha an t-eagal ormsa ro choin.
‘I’m scared of dogs.’
Tha mi an-còmhnaidh nearbhasach ro thuras plèana.
‘I’m always nervous before a flight.’

Ro + sèimheachadh: ro ghèama ro choin ro thuras

‘before the’: ron (singilte) ro na (iolra)

ron Bhòrd ‘before the Board, in front of the Board’
ron chogadh ‘before the war’
ron choinneimh ‘before the meeting’
ron drochaid * ‘before the bridge’
ron turas * ‘before the journey’

* d/t: gun sèimheachadh (d/t never lenite after ‘the’):
air a’ bhòrd ach air an doras
ron bhòrd ach ron drochaid
aig a’ bhaile ach aig an taigh
ron bhaile ach ron turas

Iolra (‘plural’):
Tha an t-eagal orm ro na coin agad.
‘I’m scared of (before) your dogs.’
Chì mi thu ro na gèamannan.
‘I’ll see you before the games.’

‘before’ + riochdair (mi, thu, e, i, etc.) : ROMHAM, ROMHAD, ROIMHE, etc.

ro + mi: romham
ro + thu: romhad
ro + e: roimhe
ro + i: roimhpe

ro + sinn: romhainn
ro + sibh: romhaibh
ro + iad: romhpa

Thèid mi steach romhad. ‘I’ll go in before you.’
Tha obair gu leòr romham. ‘I’ve got plenty work ahead of me.’
Seall romhad. ‘Look in front of you’.
Chuir mi romham... ‘I decided, I resolved to...’
Chuir mi romham togail orm sa bhad.
I resolved/decided to set off immediately.
Dè chuir thu romhad a dhèanamh?
‘What did you decide to do?’
Dè chuir ise roimhpe a dhèanamh?
‘What did she decide to do?’

‘Before’ + gnìomhair : MUS

Mus falbh thu, dùin na h-uinneagan.
‘Before you go, close the windows.’
Am faigh mi facal ort mus falbh thu?
‘Can I have a wee word before you go?’
Seall romhad mus toir thu leum.
‘Look in front of you before you take a leap’, ‘Look before you leap.’
Bidh e meadhan-oidhche mus bi an dìnnear deiseil.
‘It’ll be midnight before dinner’s ready.’
Bha mìos ann mus d’fhuair sinn cothrom bruidhinn a-rithist.
It was a month before we got a chance to talk again.
Mus canadh tu diog, thug an cat na buinn às.
‘Before you could say woof (‘say a syllable’), the cat took to its heels.’
Mus toir sibh fhèin na buinn àsaibh,...
Before you yourselves scamper...


Air uairean, mus = ‘in case, lest’:

Thoir an aire mus tuit thu! ‘Careful in case you fall!’

Cluinnear mun/mum airson mus cuideachd:

Seall romhad mun toir thu leum. ‘Look before you leap.’
Mum falbh thu, glas na h-uinneagan. ‘Before you go, lock the windows.’

Cluinnear reimhe, reimhid agus roimhid airson roimhe (‘previously’).

Chan fhaca mi gin dhiubh reimhid. ‘I’ve not seen any of them before.’