Oisean a' Ghrà mair: Sreath 3: 7
1. Sùil air ais (Faic BEAG AIR BHEAG 3, Prògram 6):
AIR dèanamh (‘have/had done’, perfect tenses)
‘Leugh an Leabhar’:
“Tha sibh air iarraidh air an duine eile leabhar a leughadh.”
“You have asked the other person to read a book.”
“Agus tha an leabhar a’ sealltainn dhuinn mar a tha an tidsear a tha sin* air buaidh a thoirt air na h-igheanan…”
“And the book shows us how that teacher has exerted an influence over the girls…”
(* an tidsear a tha sin = an tidsear sin)
–AS (teachdail/future)
‘Leugh an Leabhar’:
“...mar a tha an tidsear a tha sin air buaidh a thoirt air na h-igheanan suas [gu], uill, nuair a dh’fhàgas iad an sgoil aig seachd deug.”
“...how that teacher has exerted an influence over the girls up to, well, when they leave school at seventeen.”
‘Smuain na Maidne’:
“Chan e seo baile a mhaireas.” “This [life] is not a city that lasts.”
2. Tha e AIR A CHLEACHDADH (‘It is used’)
Faic cuideachd: BEAG AIR BHEAG Sreath 2, Prògram 6.
Smuain na Maidne:
“Bu mhath leamsa tionndadh gu seanfhacal a bha tric is minic air a chleachdadh nam èirigh suas.”
“I would like to turn to a proverb that was often and frequently used when I was growing up.”
“Mus seall thu riut fhèin, tha iad air falbh no air an cosg.”
“Before you look to yourself [Before you notice], they’re gone or spent.”
Bha mi air mo chleachdadh. ‘I was used.’ [‘I was on my using’]
Bha thu air do chleachdadh. ‘You were used.’ [‘You were on your using’]
Bha e air a chleachdadh. ‘He / It (masc.) was used.’ [‘He was on his using’]
Bha i air a cleachdadh. ‘She / It (fem.) was used.’ [‘She was on her using’]
Bha sinn air ar cleachdadh. ‘We were used.’ [‘We were on our using’]
Bha sibh air ur cleachdadh. ‘You (pl.) were used.’ [‘You were on your using’]
Bha iad air an cleachdadh. ‘They were used.’ [‘They were on their using’]
Bha an seanfhacal air a chleachdadh.
‘The proverb was used.’ [‘was on its using’]
Bha seanfhaclan air an cleachdadh.
‘Proverbs were used.’ [‘were on their using’]
Bha an t-airgead air a chosg.
‘The money was spent.’ [‘was on its spending’]
Tha na rudan sin air an cosg.
‘Those things are spent/used up.’ [‘are on their spending/using up’]
Tha an còta seo air a dhèanamh airson droch thìde.
‘This coat is made for bad weather.’ [‘is on its making’]
Tha na bòtannan seo air an dèanamh airson coiseachd.
‘These boots are made for walking.’ [‘are on their making’]
Tha an geama seo air a chluich le co-dhiù dà sgioba.
‘This game is played with at least two teams.’ [‘is on its playing’]
Bha na fuinn air an cluich ro luath.
‘The tunes were played too quickly.’ [‘were on their playing’]
Tha an t-òran seo air a sheinn le iomadach duine.
‘This song is sung by many people.’ [‘is on its singing’]
Chan eil na h-òrain seo air an seinn no air an cluinntinn gu tric.
‘These songs aren’t sung or heard often.’ [‘aren’t on their singing / their hearing’]
Chan eil an taigh air a thogail fhathast.
‘The house isn’t built yet.’ [‘isn’t on its building/raising’]
Bha na taighean air an togail an-uiridh.
‘The houses were built last year.’ [‘were on their building/raising’]
Bha a’ phuing seo air a togail mar-thà ann an Sreath a Dhà.
‘This point was raised already in Series Two.’ [‘was on her raising’]
An robh na puingean seo uile air an togail mar-thà?
‘Were all those points raised before?’ [‘were they on their raising’]