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Oisean a' Ghràmair: Sreath 2: 13


+ ainmear singilte + sèimheachadh (Faicibh Notaichean 12), m.e.

Dà phuing ‘2 points’ dà fhacal ‘2 words’ dà mhionaid ‘2 minutes’

dà shùil ‘two eyes’
le mo dhà shùil ‘with my own two eyes’.
Bha mi ag iasgach air Loch Nis, agus chunnaic mi an uilebheist le mo dhà shùil.
‘I was fishing on Loch Ness and saw the monster with my own two eyes.’

dà + cas / làmh :
chois mo dhà chois ‘my two feet’
làimh le mo dhà làimh ‘with my two hands’


dithis = dà dhuine ‘a pair, a couple, a twosome (of)’
An robh mòran daoine aig a’ choinneimh? Cha robh, cha robh ann ach dithis.
‘Were there many at the meeting? No, only two people.’

A bheil peathraichean agad?
‘Do you have any sisters?’
Tha, dithis. Tha dithis pheathraichean agam.
‘Yes, two. I have two sisters.’

triùir = trì daoine ‘three people, a threesome(of)’
Chunnaic mi triùir ann. ‘I saw three people there.’

A bheil bràithrean agad? ‘Do you have any brothers?’
Tha, triùir. Tha triùir bhràithrean agam.
‘Yes, three. I have three brothers.’

ceathrar = ceithir daoine ‘four people, a foursome (of)’

A bheil clann agad? ‘Do you have any children?’
Tha. Ceathrar ghillean. ‘Yes, four boys (a foursome of boys).’

5 còignear còignear dhotairean ‘five doctors’
6 sianar sianar shaor ‘six joiners’
7 seachdnar seachdnar sheinneadairean ‘seven singers’
8 ochdnar ochdnar dhannsairean ‘eight dancers’
9 naoinear naoinear mhàthraichean ‘nine mothers’
10 deichnear deichnear chaileagan ‘ten young girls’

Sèimheachadh (‘lenition’)

dithis pheathraichean
triùir bhràithrean
ceathrar ghillean
còignear dhotairean
sianar shaor
seachdnar sheinneadairean
ochdnar dhannsairean
naoinear mhàthraichean
deichnear chaileagan

Sèimheachadh + iolra (‘lenited plural’) = ‘of’ (‘a pair of, a threesome of,’ etc)

Eisimplerean eile:

buidheann thidsearan ‘a group of teachers’
buidheann mhàthraichean ‘a group of mothers’

grunn ghillean ‘a group of lads, some lads’
grunn mhionaidean ‘a couple of minutes’

sgioba chluicheadairean a team of players’
sgioba phlumairean ‘a team of plumbers’

sreath phrògraman ‘a series of programs’
paca chairtean ‘a pack of cards’
pacaid bhriosgaidean ‘a packet of biscuits’
truinnsear chèicichean ‘a plate of cakes’

dithis/triùir/ceathrar mhac

Air uairean, tha an t-iolra ginideach (genitive plural) coltach ris an ainmear shingilte:

mo mhac ‘my son’
mo mhic ‘my sons’
mo dhithis mhac ‘my two sons (my pair of sons)’

Eisimpleirean eile:

An t-eilean ‘the island’
na h-eileanan ‘the islands’
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar ‘the council of the Western Isles’

Gàidheal ‘a Gael’
Gàidheil ‘Gaels’
Radio nan Gàidheal ‘the radio of the Gaels’