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Oisean a' Ghràmair: Sreath 2: 11


Bheir. Cha toir. An toir? (Present/Future)
Thug. Cha tug. An tug? (Past)

A’ TOIRT SÙIL: ‘having a look’

Bidh sinn a’ toirt sùil air aon ghnìomhair.
‘We’ll be looking at one verb.’
Thoir sùil air seo.
‘Take a look at this. Have a look at this.’
Thug mi sùil air an-dè.
‘I had a look at it yesterday.’
Bheir mi sùil air a-màireach.
‘I’ll have a look at it tomorrow.’
Cuin a bheir thu sùil air dealbhan mo bhainnse?
‘When will you look at my wedding photos?’
Bheir mi sùil orra feasgar.
‘I’ll have a look at them this afternoon.’
An tug thu sùil air na dealbhan agam fhathast?
‘Have you had a look at my photos yet?’
Cha tug, tha mi duilich, cha tug – agus cha toir.
‘No, sorry, I haven’t – and I won’t.’
Cha toir mi sùil orra, tha mi fada ro thrang.
‘I won’t look at them, I’m far too busy.’

A’ TOIRT ÙINE: ‘taking time, spending time’

Thug e bliadhna.
‘It took a year.’
Thug mi dà bhliadhna thall thairis.
‘I spent two years abroad.’
Cha toir e ach latha no dhà.
‘It’ll only take a day or two.’
Bheir e greiseag.
‘It’ll take a while.’
Thug e fada.
‘It took a long time.’
Thug e fad an fheasgair.
‘It took all afternoon.’

A’ TOIRT + LEAM (leam, leat, leis, leatha, etc.): ‘bringing’

Thoir leat an cù.
‘Take the dog with you’, ’Bring the dog’.
Bheir mi leam mo chòta.
‘I’ll take my coat with me’, ‘I’ll bring my coat’.
An tug thu leat do bhaidhsagal?
‘Did you bring your bike?’
Thug Seumas (e) leis an cat.
‘Seumas brought the cat with him.’
Thug Mairi (i) leatha na coin.
‘Màiri took the dogs / brought the dogs.’

Thug sinn leinn a’ chlann.
‘We brought the children along.’
An toir sibh leibh botal fìon?
‘Will you bring a bottle of wine?’
Bheir iad leotha am biadh.
‘They’ll bring the food.’

Thug mi mo chasan leam.
‘I took my legs with me.’ = ‘I took off, I bolted’.
Thug i a casan leatha.
‘She bolted’.
Thug na gillean an casan leotha.
‘The boys bolted.’
Na toiribh ur casan leibh fhathast.
‘Don’t scarper just yet.’

A’ TOIRT + DO: ‘giving’

Thoir dhomh copan cofaidh.
‘Give me a cup of coffee.’
Thug mi dhut copan cofaidh còig mionaidean air ais!
‘I gave you (I gave to you) a cup of coffee five minutes ago!’
An toir mi siùcairean dhan chloinn?
‘Will I give sweets to the children / Will I give the children sweets?’
Gu dearbh cha toir! Thoir dhaibh measan.
‘Absolutely not! Give them (to them) fruit.’

Ann am Beurla, faodar ràdh: ‘Give me coffee’, ‘Don’t give the children sweets’,
‘Give the dog a bone’, seach: ‘to me’, ‘to the children’, ‘to the dog’.
Ach ann an Gàidhlig, feumar ‘to me’, ‘to the children’, ‘to the dog’ a ràdh:
Thoir dhomh cofaidh.
Na toir siùcairean dhan chloinn
Thoir cnàimh don chù.


A’ TOIRT + ASAM, (asam, asad, às, aiste, etc.)

Thug iad na buinn asta.
‘They took to their heels, they scampered’ (literally: ‘They took the heels out of them’).

Thug iad an car asam.
‘They played a trick on me’ (literally: ‘They took the twist out of me’).

A’ TOIRT + AIR: ‘making somebody do something’

Dè fo shealbh a thug ort seo a dhèanamh? ‘What on earth made you do that?’
Bheir iad air ar duine bruidhinn. ‘They’ll make our man talk.’

Noting, noticing:

Thoir an aire!
‘Watch out! Be careful.’
Thoir an aire dhut fhèin!
‘Look after yourself.’
Thoiribh an aire dhan abairt seo.
‘Note this phrase.’
An tug thu an aire dhan chàr ùr aice?
‘Did you notice her new car?’

Cha tug iad fa-near dhomh.
‘They didn’t notice me.’

* * *

Chi sibh gu bheil THOIR gu math tric a’ ciallachadh ‘take’.
Dè an diofar eadar THOIR agus GABH, ma-thà?

Nuair a tha ‘take’ a’ ciallachadh ‘pick, choose’: GABH.
Nuair a tha ‘take’ a’ ciallachadh gnìomh gluasadach: THOIR.

Mar eisimpleir:

‘Take the train. It’ll be quicker.’
Gabh an trèana. Bidh e nas luaithe.
‘Take the train and the teddy-bear out of the bag.’
Thoir an trèana ’s am mathan às a’ bhaga.

‘Take the soup (on this menu).’
Gabh am brot.
‘Take the soup (away).’
Thoir leat am brot / Thoir bhuam am brot.