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Oisean a' Ghràmair: Sreath 4: 12

1. AN TRÀTH TEACHDAIL (The Future Tense)

Beag air Bheag Sreath 3, prògram 6; Sreath 2, program 1; Sreath 1, program 8.

MA (‘IF’) agus an Tràth Teachdail

Murchadh Caimbeul (‘Air na Tablets’)
Ma dh’fhònas mi dhachaigh, ’s ann le fòn a bhios mi, bidh mi fònadh dhan an taigh ma bhios mi air falbh.”
If I phone home, I’ll have my phone on me, I’ll phone home if I’m away.”

Bithidh / Bidh mi air falbh. ACH Ma bhitheas / bhios mi air falbh....
Fònaidh mi dhachaigh. ACH Ma dh’fhònas mi dhachaigh....
Cuiridh mi teacsta. ACH Ma chuireas mi teacsta....

Bidh Murchadh air falbh bhon taigh gu math tric.
‘Murdo is away from home quite often.’
Ma bhitheas e air falbh, bidh Murchadh a’ fònadh dhachaigh gach latha.
‘If he’s away, Murdo phones home every day.’

Fònaidh mi dhachaigh a-nochd leis a’ fòn-làimh agad.
‘I’ll phone home tonight with your mobile.’
Innis domh ma dh’fhònas e.
‘Let me know if he phones.’

Cuiridh mi teacsta chuca sa bhad.
‘I’ll send them a text immediately.’
Ma chuireas mi teacsta chuca, am freagair iad?
‘If I send them a text, will they answer?’

GUN / NACH (‘THAT / THAT NOT’) agus an Tràth Teachdail

Murchadh Caimbeul (‘Air na Tablets’)
An aon trioblaid ’s a tha mise faicinn, ’s e ... tha daoine sùileachadh an-diugh gum faic iad fiosrachadh bhuat air ais anns a’ bhad, ... seach gu bheil iad a’ cur post-dealain thugad, gum fosgail thu e air a’ fòn agad agus gum freagair thu e.”
“The one problem I see is that nowadays people expect that they’ll see a message back from you immediately, ... because they’re sending you an email [they expect] that you’ll open it on your phone and that you’ll answer it.

Chì iad ‘they will see’ / ‘they see’ ... gum faic iad ‘... that they will see’
Fosglaidh tu ‘you open / will open’ ... gum fosgail thu ‘... that you’ll open’
Freagraidh tu ‘you answer / will answer’ ... gum freagair thu ‘... that you’ll answer’

Tha mi ’n dòchas gum faic mi thu.
‘I hope (that) I’ll see you.’
Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gum faic mi thu.
‘I think (that) I’ll see you.’
Tha mi a’ sùileachadh gum faic mi thu.
‘I expect (that) I’ll see you.’
Is dòcha gum faic mi thu.
‘Maybe I’ll see you.’
Tha fhios gum faic thu.
‘I’ll surely see you.’

Chì mi a-màireach thu.
‘I’ll see you tomorrow.’
Tha mi ’n dòchas gum faic mi a-màireach thu.
‘I hope that I’ll see you tomorrow.’

Fosglaidh mi am post-dealain sa bhad.
‘I’ll open the email immediately.’
Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gum fosgail mi am post-dealain.
‘I think I’ll open the email.’

Freagraidh mi an teacsta a-rithist.
‘I’ll answer the text later.’
Tha iad a’ sùileachadh gum freagair mi teacstaichean sa bhad.
‘They expect I’ll answer texts at once.’

Cuiridh mi post-dealain chugad ma chluinneas mi.
‘I’ll send you an email if I hear.’
Feumaidh gun cuir iad fios chugainn.
‘They’ll surely send us a message / let us know.’

Puing a Bharrachd:

Question and negative take same form as gun :

gum faic, gun cuir
Cuideachd: Am faic…? An cuir…?
Chan fhaic Cha chuir
nach faic nach cuir

N.B. CHA + sèimheachadh: Cha chuir, Chan fhaic, Chan fhosgail, Cha fhreagair, etc.

An cuir thu fios chugainn? Cuiridh, gun teagamh.
‘Will you send us a message? Yes, definitely.’
Am faic mi a-màireach sibh? Tha mi an dòchas gum faic.
‘Will we see you tomorrow? I hope so.’ (‘I hope that will see.’)
Am fosgail iad a’ bhùth dhuinn? Chan fhosgail, ach fosglaidh iad an cafaidh.
‘Will they open the shop for us? No, but they’ll open the café.’
Am freagair iad mo phost-dealain? Tha mi cinnteach nach freagair.
‘Will they answer my email? I’m sure they won’t.’

2. Tha ---- orm

Murchadh Caimbeul (‘Air na Tablets’)
Bha, tha mi creidsinn, leisg’ orm gluasad.”
“I was reluctant, I think, to move on.”

Bha leisge orm. ‘I was reluctant.’ (‘Reluctance was on me.’)

Bha an t-acras orm. ‘I was hungry.’ (‘Hunger was on me.’)
Bha am pathadh oirnn. ‘We were thirsty.’ (‘Thirst was on us.’)
Bha an cnatan air a h-uile duine san teaghlach.
‘Everybody in the family had the cold.’ (‘The cold was on everybody...’)
Bha an t-eagal air a’ ghille. ‘The boy was scared.’ (‘Fear was on the boy.)

Tha leisge orm ur cumail ro fhada.
‘I’m reluctant to keep you too long.’

orm ‘on me’ oirnn ‘on us’
ort ‘on you’ oirbh ‘on you’ (plural)
air / oirre ‘on him / on her’ orra ‘on them’