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16 October 2014


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Year of the James Hewitt or something like that.

Today, as usual, we are celebrating the Chinese New Year in Ness. The Year of the Rat and as if to celebrate the machair is full of them though once the folk in Fivepenny realise they taste like Spam, the problem should disappear.
We were going to involve the Ness children in making a dragon but Health and Safety ruled against the kids sniffing any more glue than they do already. Instead we have got eight on the oldest most wrinkled women of Ness and put a tarpaulin over them - the effect's pretty much the same as they jig their way through the parish.
The takeaway in Eoropie has No 96 Guga Chow Mein with Curry and Neeps as a specail new year treat (拢3.95) and free fortune cookies for anyone placing an order between 4 and ten past this afternoon.
The bochans are clearing out the cans of Tennants and it's bottles of Tiger and Singha beer for one night early. Alec Dan says it makes him feel like a sex tourist drinking this beer and cannot wait to get back to pints of Famous Grouse.
The gung Ho family will have open house at their laundry in Swainbost and their latest tumble drier from JD Williams will be on display. It makes mincemeat of Murdo John's tractor stained dungarees apparently.
Finally there will be a kite flying spectacular on the Fank site to give the chemical toilets a bit of an airing since they've not been used for a year.
So happy Year of the Rat, hands across the ocean and all that boll
Next year is Year of the Cheviot Ewe - should be a goodun.
Annie B is in St Alban's - someone has to be - and it's only for 2 days - surely she can manage that? Chrissie Mary is still in London at the Diana inquest fielding some awkward questions about her relationship with Dodi. She gets home at weekends for a change of bloomers.
That's enough Ness news for now.

Posted on calumannabel at 15:27


What exactly do you have to think about to get tractor stains?

Nic from Coll

Any resolutions for the Chinese New Year? I'm thinking of giving up Lent.

calum from The Great Wall of Adabrock

you could always go a wee swim to Kilda if u run out of rats in Niseach land - here they've got aplenty coming off that stricken ship.......

rats?? from just thinking......

I might swim backstroke from Leverburgh to St Kilda then people would be unsure whether I was coming or going. Most tractor stains Nic are caused by spillages of tinned tomato in the driver's sandwiches although sheep dip, sheep paint, tar and seal oil all make their mark too.

calum from Stain a Cleit Lewis

sorry CA, but why do the women have to be wrinkly if they're to go *under* the tarpaulin ...? are they striving for 'creative truth' ...!!!

soaplady from giggles on a revolving chair

I'm sure she's made plenty over the years...

Flying Cat from Long John's

Pretty good, Calum., and a good Friday to you. I shall be looking forward to the Year of the Cheviot Ewe.

mjc from NM,USA

Calumnabel is counting on global warming and his shameless advertising hype to bring hordes of Chinese tourists to Ness next year, and the years to follow ... rats or no rats. I prefer dragons, wrinkled or otherwise.

Barney from Swithiod in a dragon mood

Calumnabel, any report on how Annie B's mousepaw is healing? When can the fans lok forward to further intrepid revaltions from the hard-hitting Annie B's blog?

Barney from Swithiod solicitously

You write, "...we have got eight on the oldest most wrinkled women of Ness and put a tarpaulin over them - the effect's pretty much the same..." Why not get eight of the oldest, most wrinkled men, get them to emulate a Chinese dragon? There's an unpleasant flavour of misogyny revealed in your writing. I though the 91热爆 had higher standards. Mind you, if this is satire, I guess there's a cultural context that's lost on me.

Argyll from Canada

I think you got it right with the last sentence Argyll. The gentle art of irony is lost on you...

Flying Cat from The Irony Board

This is a question of demography and population evolution Argyll. We have no wrinkled men in Ness. They die at a young age of exhaustion due to a shortage of eligible men and a surfeit of willing women. Which is why Donald and I organise the Fank every year to ease the strain. Apart from being one hell of a Scrabble winner, I dont recognise this misogyny - we flavour most of our food in Ness with lashings of brown sauce. Of course we are up for trying anything new if you want to send us a bottle of it.

calumannabel from the battered bodachs hostel brue

No need to take offense Argyll. Calum. in his wisdom realizes that a selection of eight of the oldest, most wrinkled men could lead to a disturbance of the peace (riot, in other words, by those - so many - he would be forced to leave out) in Lewis. To a fault, Calum. is a most law abiding citizen [if you don't believe me, ask Annie B when she comes out of the hospital], and he never takes anything out of Emporiojohn without shouting: "don't forget to put it on my slate!". He is not a misogynist either: at the annual Fank he gives pride of place to women (ask ChrissieMary, if you wish). No, Argyll, I don't smell a rat.

mjc from NM,USA

Judging by Annie-B's last posting, Barney, she was not so much hard-hitting as hard hit. PTSD, the works. Probably that misogynist Calum. getting some exercise. Olympiad in Beijing coming up, and Calum. is in the heavy-weight class (aren't you old boy?). I hear he is taking salted Guga with him: not for him thousand year old duck eggs, thank you.

mjc from NM,USA

Mr. Argyll the men wear enormous clothes which hide the wrinkles and are quite reticent about removing them in plain view. The women are more enlightened and at home in their skins hence their acceptance of the great honor of leading the parade.

TiredFather from NotAwrinkleInSight

can someone please help ?? the other day,i don't know which site i clicked on and a couple of faces popped up head covered with tarpualin i thought its was so funny and by mistake clicked somewhere else,,,help???

carol from needing help

That's just taking head-covering a bit too far!

Flying Cat from gimme some of that thar plain livin!

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