The Boxing Day Hunt meets in Ness
Posted: Thursday, 27 December 2007 |
Oh...Buckie and Cremola Foam, how that takes me's almost on a par with Mateus Rose and Benylin!
Flying Cat from nostalgic nook
Well I do so hope Tws got his Kristmas Invalid Scooter from Santa so he wouldn't miss out on this terriffic (in all senses of the word) jamboree.
Flying Cat from sad to be excluded for obvious reasons...
Poor Donald. Hope you were able to warm him up properly after his yearly wash. Tom cats in hot pursuit is clearly forbidden under the Geneva Convention, and I suspect you will be summoned soon to appear before the International Court. I fear alanjohn must be getting weak kneed to reduce prices on his last can of vintage mushrooms (26 years, it must be going on), all because of some rust dusting on the can. Is he getting ready to sell/cash in and move on to Berneray to revive the local shop?
mjc from NM,USA
darn ar missed it!
island threads from sofa by the fire with a good book
another brilliant one! i'll take my laptop to the tennis club tomorrow[if they laet me in],spent the morning out in a boat in the huaraki gulf,swimming with dolphins--not the ones that are in big pens really wild ones--things are getting better and better,spotted 3 WHALES WOW,but not as funny as your boxing day huntxx
carol from just back from whale spotting
Now then Calumannabel, isn't it the case that they were using parts of that whale, ashore at South Dell for your Boxing Day Hunt this year? Last time I was at South Dell, there was a whale ashore. There are always whales ashore in South Dell. Isn't that the place where emporioalanjohn empties cans with rusted lids? Small wonder the poor cetaceans are confused, let alone your tomcats...
Arnish Lighthouse from Stornoway
Brilliant brilliant brilliant. Them city slickers jus' don' know what they're missin'.
Stromness Dragon from Creased up
The Terminator must be occupying some hidden nook at the Beebe, and dispatching my mutterings down abandoned mineshafts. If this one makes it, praise be, for it shows accidents do happen.
mjc from NM,USA
Island Blogging has become the new gambling craze - will my post get through or not. Donald is working on a spread betting scheme as we speak.
calum from ness