Niseachs in Need - no more donations please!
Posted: Thursday, 22 November 2007 |
Could I get them back please, people keep asking me hard questions about them as if I'm responsible, it has been several months since I was in charge of that department. In way of compensation and to help the fund I shall double the rate of invalidity and unemplyment benefit to anyone with a boiler suit and triple it if it is orange and ex-Arnish. There will also be a 19% supplement for those with an original blue Arnish jacked and a 100% supplement if, as I suspect, they got it from a friend as they never actually worked there. With all these great incentives I am sure that there will be no more Niceachs in need.
Gordon from London
well,just tell donald to nsend a little of the cash over here as i can put it to good use,thank you!
carol from over here
Do they pay benefits in euros?
Flying Cat from fell off the back of a bike
It's going to take Donald quite a long time to go through the list on the two disks. I would be willing to give him an iou denominated in dollars (or dinars - the way things are going, dinars might be the safer bet) for one of the disks. Just trying to help. I would use part of my ill gotten gains to stock up on Peat and Fetlar calendars, to see whether we can revive bulb growing on Coll, and to buy FC's bipeds a comfy house over-looking the sea in Cornwall (though I am sure Stromness would miss them all) with a one-year contract for improvements by Fred. I would also set up Michael Foot/Aneurin Bevan/Harold Lasky memorial scholarships at the LSE. No, no Bertrand Russell scholarship anywhere: we have to draw the line somewhere, and so let's be somewhat reasonable, folks. I would also give the air controllers in the Islands Denby tea sets.
mjc from NM,USA
FC:-- i can exchange any currency!! All benifits greatly accepted
carol from where its still pg down
Thank you Carol that's most kind. And if you could manage a nice wee hoose in St Ives mjc, the bipeds would be ever in your debt...with the price of hooses down there, that is the gods' honest truth! How is Donald getting on with milking the cash coos, Calum? A man of his resources should be a millionaire by now.
Flying Cat from paws outstretched
The cash coos are milking just fine, FC. Donald's account looks as healthy as Steve McClaren's.
calumannabel from monaco
Donald is giving the term Golden Disk an altogether different meaning. Some hit!!
mjc from NM,USA
Could reach platinum...
Flying Cat from Top of The Flops