Niseachs In Need - the pledges keep rolling in.
Posted: Thursday, 01 November 2007 |
Am I John or Yoko? I think that you could be a bit more precise. Oh and I'll sponser Ruthie, but I will need to see the completed article, I don't want to give money for nothing, Dodgy Dave says that he'll do the video, of the Brazillions, he loves his football does DD. Sorry I'm coming over all faint just thinking about it.
Notthewhitesettler from Woolies
When did Getoffthe go to NZ?
Sorley Tempted from Battersea
Definitely Yoko Ntws ... Me and Marmers are offering to have a bikini wax and will be delighted to present our glowing parts to any passing professional photographer who has had suitable experience of nude photography. We think you know who we mean... Are you trying to suggest that people wouldn't pay to kiss a pussy at the Pierheid Calum? We think you're behind the times...
FC&Marmers from whiskas calendar purrls
I must hasten to add, i'll sell haggis in singapore before selling lamb in auckland and getoffthe is DEFINATLEY NOT TRAVELLING WITH ME !!!!!----HE's GOING TO ROLLING ACRES WITH HIS MASTER!! smirk smirk!!!
carol from still in uniform and dead beat
I'm in for 0.5p
Wee Girl from The Hills
Firstly how did FC's comment get passed? Secondly I wouldn't let my Getoffthe go off to NZ without me. Oh and Carol thanks for the invite, I'm just booking the flight next. If Fc is gonna have his parts shaved, can I do it? Please let me do it, I'll pay for the pleasure, sorry privilege. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.....
Tws from The Narrows
Looking forward to it immensely. Will I be travelling to Fife or Unst? Or is it another 'jolly on the cheap' done by video conferencing? Thinking of square centimetres, battleships will never be the same again.
Nic from Coll
First daughter: What do Knee Socks need? Second daughter: Told you to cancel the broadband.Colonial Mother: Just ignore him dears.
Tired Father from MsJean'sPrimer
I think once AnnieB gets her teeth into the mouse little or no wrestling is required. No Tws, we wouldn't trust you with a razor, it'll have to be someone with a steady hand we can trust.
Flying Cat from legsXed
You mean that after all we've been through you don't trust me FC? Maybe I've said one or two things, in jest, but I'd never let anybody harm you FC, I'd be wanting in first. And anyway there's not much damage I could do down there, fpu has already seen to that, or those?
Tws from Hurt Feelings
FC, tws's hands only shake when e's sober, so you have nothing to worry 'bout.
CVBruce from CA,USA
The lingerie showing, with leopard spots fabric, was a humdinger. However, the Pilgrim Fathers, being true to their Dutch heritage, did not open their purse strings. C'est la vie.
mjc from NM
Whatever happened to Annie-B., Calum.? Is she alright?
mjc from NM,USA
Annie B's mouse hand is still in a tight plaster at present but has a little bit more feeling. She is going for tests. Donald will be taking her on the rickshaw he has just purchased on ebay
calum from from near the usual
For goodness sake make sure the tyres are at the right pressure, you don't want Donald and AnnieB to take a tumble en route to the nearest bochan, sorry surgery...
Flying Cat from ah those were the days
Right, Calum. Oh, by the way, I think Donald is the one who gave me an iou on Ebay for my bamboo paddy field hat. If he does not wear anything else while pedalling the Flying Pigeon rickshaw, the hat should still afford him some protection, if not quite privacy.
mjc from NM,USA
Dont worry it's the only rickshaw around that is fitted with stabilisers and disc brakes. Oh and Donald asks - what's a bochan? His Gaelic is good but he's not heard this word before.
richard shaw from eoropie bochan
He must be either very youthful (and therefore of interest to fpu in a purely aesthetic way you understand) or led a very sheltered Liff. I picture him as an innocent sweet whitehaired fellow with a peat posing pouch...
Flying Cat from an embarrassment of buttocks
Is bochan a shebeen/sibin? I heard that Stromness had loads of those in the old days (according to GMB, anyway).
mjc from NM
You see, I've said it before and I'll say it again - erudite mjc, erudite!
Flying Cat from The Golden Slipper, just outside Stromness
Ooooh cheers very much for sending Gustavo, he's lovely but it's a bit late mate! Could you not have had him at th first fank? I'm spoken for now and himelf is due home next week! I wasn't sure how to explain that he had to go back, after all he's very fresh but he saved me the worry when he ran away just because I tried out the nutcrackers Auntie Ina gave me, she assured me they were perfect for Brazillians???
Sunny from Exile
Sunny - you're awake!
calum from lewis
As per your posting on a different blog, are you hoping Santa will bring you a new computer/printer which would allow you to upload/download punctuation marks? Your comment was quite original, and a propos, Calum. # Oh, and say hello to Annie-B. when you see her. # Let's have another posting from you, Calum.
mjc from NM,USA