Kate Middleton, Donald and Fank 07 - the inside track
Posted: Sunday, 15 April 2007 |
brilliant,at least km is more intelligent than ww's late mum,she got out while the going was good
carol from dyingwithlaughter
HH Prince William, is known as Wales and is not a Windsor.
IB Royal Correspondent from The Royal Hotel Stornoway
Does this mean we now have Brown Wales Soup. I bet he's a Windsor and his dad was claiming tax credit and family allowance in both names. He must have needed to keep two women - sorry one woman and a horse- fed and watered.
calum from lewis
calum, whiwh would be the woman and who would be the horse-i'm bound to make a lot of enemies with that crack!
carol from france
Not soup. Cake. Battenburg cake. Disgusting pink and yellow stuff! Like solidified vomit. Can't think why they changed the family monnicker....oh hang on, wasn't there a war or something?
Flying Cat from a Royal Flush
I have seen the picture which Anne attached to the blog to liven it up, but, for the life of me, I can't quite place him. He has the kind of face you would associate with custard pie filled with splenda, methinks. I certainly would not buy a used Bentley from him.
mjc from NM,USA
I think they got the idea for polo shirts from the revolting colours of Battenburg. There is no doubt Miss Middleton had a narrow escape although a good helping of north east mining blood might have helped clear up the genetic confusion caused by Phil the Greek and Ugly Betty perpetuated via Charley Farley. She's better off with a layabout like Donald who spends his life digging septic tanks than a tin soldier who enjoys dressing up in uniforms.
calum from Evelyn 91热爆 Ness
Very soon, I predict (hopefully), there will be tea dumping in Scapa Flow, or off Stornoway. Do let me know ahead of time, so I (inheritor of yankee traditions) can barge in to lead the ceremonies. Pro bono, of course.
mjc from NM,USA
You can tell from his ties that he's a Windsor-not.
Annie B from the usual
I'm only asking because curiosity is a cat thing....what is splenda? Oh Dog, I wish I hadn't asked.....
Flying Cat from curiosity cott
She should have read him the riot act after the first six months. Anyone who plays side kick for six years to a hereditary yokel who apparently loves deep fried Mars bars (a specialty of St. Andrews), deserves to be dumped. Anyway, she did not stand a chance of inheriting the organic farm: she does not look corn-fed.
mjc from NM,USA
Splenda is sucralose. It's alright if someone calls me honey, sugar - but I'd be rather upset if someone told me I was all synthetic.
mjc from NM,USA
What does a corn-fed woman look like? Yellow?
Flying Cat from jaundiceVjaundice
splenda is sugar without the calories - they've taken to advertising it over here.
mia from snoozing on a human
Oh no that's disgusting, mia. I'd rather do without altogether! Wait a minute, I'm a cat, I don't like sugar....
Flying Cat from patting a plump rump
His dad dropped in on us all unexpected and surprised us. FC I see you move in mysterious circles
crofterbill from the vatersay bunker
nice to see you are still keeping in wi the hi eichicklons! Does anyone know where the key to this door is, I think I'd like to go home now. Don't get me wrong the lassies here are very nice, friendly bunch, you know! But porridge is getting a bit samey if you know what I mean, and I'm not really that keen on tatoos. I knew I should never have listened to yon nakid rambler, sorry your honour.
GrannyE from Aff her heid
Granny E if you'd told us you were banged up in HMP Portnaguran we'd have come and visited.
norman stanley morrison from ness
Hello GrannyE: good to see you are back in your usual form. When are you scheduled to sign in as GrangrannyE? You don't like tatoos?!! (I don't either). I heard that in some countries: no tatoo, no ballot - but I suspect it is canard spread by .... are the elections over yet, Anne?
mjc from NM,USA
Have you been stripped of your titles GrannyE? That J. Archer, Lord, wasn't so why should you be victimised?
Flying Cat from dusting down the soapbox