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16 October 2014


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My One and Only Cat Blog Ever

In order to earn your stripes on IB, it seems almost compulsory to have a cat. In 18 months of bewildered blogging I have never mentioned my feline credentials and thank the Lord nor has Annie B. We have an eighteen year old cat in fine fettle called Silky, an eight year old 'Torty' called Portia and Handel who half lives with us - he eats as much as he can for a fiver then b*s off. He was wild but we trapped him, had his 'pockets picked' 拢375 and he's calmed down. We have a visitor who eats on our shed roof, Tabby Daisy' and she used to be joined by Trevor Preston ( great name for a cat) who got run over - or as we prefer to say went ' marching for cheeses' with all the mice he'd killed. Next door there are Sid and Saunders. Saunders is blind and epileptic after being attaked by a dog and Sid is his minder. On the other side is Ambrose- as ginger as Gordon Strachan - in fact you never see the two of them together. So, there you are - we never need to switch on the central heating - we just put another cat on the bed. Oh and in the last week another one has taken up residence in the shed- we call him Atkins not because he's on the diet but because that's his colour. He sleeps on an old cashmere Pashmina - posh or what! We also had a bullfrog in the kitchen amusing them all the other evening but that's another story.
Posted on calumannabel at 13:02


It鈥檚 not compulsory Calum, but it is looked upon favourably by IBHQ! :)

Anne from IBHQ

*wee gurr* I expect you are awaiting with baited breath an influx of commendations from catophiles all over the world.....****THIS BLOG POSTING IS HIGHLY COMMENDED BY EFFCEE****.....is that the sort of thing?

Flying Cat from visitlewis&livetotellthestory grading systems

Wake up Coco, Hooch, etc. You are badly outnumbered. Surely, you are kidding Calum.? # Started on The Restraint of Beasts last night. Relaxing. Should be a quick read. Will get to Shreve later. # Have a good weekend y'all.

mjc from NM,USA

Another illusion shattered, more blooming cats. I used to admire your blogs, and thought that one day, some day, that I'd be half as good as yourself, but this cats thing has ruined it. The only cat I have is a stuffed one. Taxi!!!

Tws from SomewhereinLewis


Flying Cat from smug corner

We also have a hedgehog called Erasmus - does this disappoint you even further? The stuffed cat sounds interesting - is there a recipe and what wine should accompany it? I said the blog was a one off and that is all I shall say on the matter of pets...

calumannabel from cattersea cods' home

i am beginning to like you ,purrfect

^carol from france

so i'm not the only one whop has gone overboard cat-wise

carol from france

to mjc-- have just looked at blog title--recipe for classic cormorant.; sadly carol is my christian name and chauveau my married name, maybe i should find a pseudo?

carol from france

I recommend a bottle of Chat-eau EffCee. It's a young fresh lively wine with a delicate foam at the back of the throat.

annonymews from trying to believe one impossible thing.....

Any sparkling wine, will do nicely, as it is a cause for celebration.

Tws from Inthekitchen

I don't have a cat. Neither does Chrissie Mary. I'm sorry abour Carol's loss though.

Annie B from the usual

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