There's a smell over the north of Lewis...
Posted: Sunday, 10 September 2006 |
Get to Emporio Alanjohn's early to avoid disappointment - the emergency services are queue jumping by putting their sirens on to get there first. Is it true that celebrity chef F. Gannet Ramsay is doing the Fank catering next year?
BoB from Lewis
Any chance you happened to have the old box brownie out calumannabel ?
pondhead from Mull
Sorry pondhead the people in the queue all ticked the X box requesting no publicity. Would you like the world to know you ate gannet?
calumannabel from san lorenzo fivepenny
Yes, I must admit that pictures of guga in the flesh would have enhanced the report. Was there so much demand that an impromptu auction had to be undertaken? Was Arnish successful in his/her bids? Did the gugas end up down the gullets of locals or were they outbid by incomers?
mjc from NM,USA
Have I not told you? How many times? DO NOT KEEP BROWNIES IN BOXES. It makes Pow wows almost impossible, and I think it may be slightly illegal, but only slighty mind. And while I'm on, who is this Fran Chise? WHO IS SHE? WHO IS SHE? WHO IS SHE???
GrannyE. DBE.RM from Auchenshuggle swabbin down the veranda
So how do you eat yours?
Sunny from Arran
As Julia Child said to .... : "one bite at a time (with lots of butter, I presume)"
mjc from NM,USA
Best eaten with Madras sauce while blindfold.
calumannabel from lewis
Semi retired guga hunter from Lewis
Was brought up eating the guga-just love it!
Mhairianna from London
I just loved the rejoinder of the Semi retired guga hunter from Lewis. Wonderfully funny and pithy.
mjc from NM,USA
I thought Brownies were kept in packs.........along with brown owls, toadstools and charred suasages with pink middles.
Flying Cat from Ancient Family Herstory Log
Och you can't beat a good bit of Guga!! Yum yum!
Glasgow Islander from Glasgow
Did anyone see Gordon Ramsey's F Word last night? He was on Lewis cooking Guga! NOT KIDDING!!!
Sunny from Arran
Guga juice rubbed firmly into the skin does wonders for keeping the midges at bay, though the treatment may also be partially responsible for the high number of elderly male bachelors on Lewis
Juiced up from Lewis
i love the smell of Guga in the morning.
Cliffclimber from Harris
Was it the Everly Brothers who sang: Guga in the morning, guga in the evening, guga at supper time ....?
mjc from NM,USA
No it wasn't the Everly Brothers it was a very second rate ventriloquist.
calumbert from Cheese Cottage Cross
How could you tell?
Flying Cat from Ancient music compendium
bless them, for they know not what they do.
50 eurocent from chitterlin nc