Fame at last for Harris?
Posted: Friday, 18 August 2006 |
calumannabel - du is missan a trick here! golden opportunity - crossword clues for bloggers. lum bale canna (12) is this, with an e, the limit? (4) etc
scallowawife from shetland
As I understand it Rolf's surname was Wilkinson until the Tourist Board offered him his weight in oatcakes to change it to Harris. Shame on you Tarbert. Is this the sort of genealogy you are looking for?
calumannabel from Shielings Wheels Lewis
did anyone see the meteor on friday 18th august? How long did it last for? PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!!!
mike from skye
Where did you lose (or: let loose) the meteor, Mike? Kappa Cygnid meteor shower, eh? What is it supposed to signify Mike? Ever tried reading Chinese cookies (English text? Gaelic?) instead? I leave astrology for county fairs myself.
mjc from NM,USA
Have I missed something? What have the last two entries got to do with the first two? If I want an astronomer on my entry I'd have invited Partick Moore - Glasgow's answer to Patrick Moore the better known Englsih stargazer.
calumannhubble from Telescope Towers Borve
Me again! More on that Charlie Barley song by long dead skiffle crooner Wallie Whyton - see rambling comment on Western Isles Monopoly i tink (eventually) Anyway, I forgot the chorus "Charlie Barley's telling lies, all he does is sell mince pies" - does the Charlie Barley emporium that you mention sell the afore-mentioned savoury pies? Can you get tattie and bean pies on Lewis like they do on Shetland? Whalsay is v good for tattie & bean pies - hmmm Whalsay Whyton - sorry I digress. Is this the sort of culinary/musical guff you are looking for? anyhoo a brief Wally biog at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wally_Whyton
Col from Galley
calumannabel I think you have just acheived the almost-impossible, a blog worthy of the wide-ranging and dislocated ramblings of the Great One Himself. It's enough to make Anderston Cross.
Flying Cat from a worshipful stance
A dislocated rambling requires appropriate medication for it to flourish. Such musings are not a natural occurence but a chemical outpouring.
calumine pentathol macleod from Boots Cottage Ness Lewis
never mind the drugs what about the mince pies?
Col from Galley
Better still, combine the chemical outpouring with the mince pies - Mince Pies gone to Pot, another island speciality and a natural second course to the magnificent marag.
Flying Cat from a delia dwam
The mince pies will be served with newly minted Shetland spring bottled water (what will the name be?). First oil, now spring sprung water. What will those imaginative N. islanders think of next: Shetland sea salt (organic, local, free range, no trans-fat, Harrods prices)?? I am impressed.
mjc from NM,USA