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16 October 2014


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The Fank Site Gets Bigger

I realise if I don't post I shall disappear without trace from this site so I've interrupted my day off to give this update. Given the changes in society on Arran, Donald and I realise we may be faced with several same sex partnerships at the Fank. Accordingly we are having to order more pens to keep things defined and people in place. Fortunately Lionel Leathers, a local company, are sponsoring a pen for gays and we are deep in negotiations with Lybro dungarees as sponsors of the Lesbian section. See we have our fingers on the pulse, Sunny. The formation of AGA on Arran has led to an outbreak of people removing the trade name from their AGA stoves in Ness. Donald's mother is relieved she has a Raeburn. A sermon is expected on the subject this Sabbath. Foodwise for the Fank -To accommodate some of the Northern Isles singletons we are looking for cheap supplies of Spam. A meat company in York called Eyelids and Arselips are serious bidders. Their quote is unbelievably low. The Big Brother Bochan has now been topped out and two sheep and a dozen hens are living there for a modest rent. We'll steamclean the place for the humans moving in. Godwin is excited at the prospect of a captive audience for his book reading and early April bookings are up dramatically on Calmac. All in all things are ticketty boo. Miss Hoolie has sent me an autographed item of intimate apparel so things could not be better. Now I must attend to to extra responsibilty Annie Beag has heaped on my frail shoulders. Other news Dolina hasa a new car ready for the Fank. It is a Red Escort with plenty of room for keeping a boddach in the boot.
Posted on calumannabel at 12:28


I'm sure that your shoulders aren't frail Calum, but if you need extra shoulder-power perhaps you could contact that nice Frank Marshall from Ohio. The snap he sent (in my December blog) shows a fine figure of a man with plenty of strength in his shoulders. Shame he hasn't sent in a dating profile yet. Now about these pens. You know that I'm very keen on the equal opperchancities and I think it's only fair that the Arran Gays supply their own pens, especially as they have such good arts and crafts outlets on Arran. Otherwise we should all have pens.

Annie B from Lone Sheiling

I'm confused about all this Fank stuff. Is it a real event or not, if so, when is it. For those of us who seek to be touched by the rub of love, do not tread heavily on our heavy hearts. I am a bit concerned that the north side of Lewis might not be able to take the influx of people for this event

Is it real this fank extravaganza? from Drystane dyke

The question from our colleague in Drystane Dyke is well put but difficult to answer with accuracy. Quantum physics poses the question: what is reality? The Copenhagen interpretation tries to provide an answer by saying that reality is what is measured. But, the measuring equipment itself is then not real until it is measured. This problem, which is known as the measurement problem, is how do you measure the measuring device and when does the cycle of not being able to measure things stop? Hope that helps.

Phill O'Sophical from University of Adabroc

Well that's just great! I finally went on a date with a really lovely bloke at the weekend and when I get back today you tell me I'm gay! Can I be the only straight in the village? The Art store will be happy to supply gay pens, paint, paper etc.As necessary I'm trying to source pens that have both pink and blue ink for those who can't make up their minds. Was beginning to think the pressure of the fank was making you avoid us Calumn? Is this the sort of campery you are looking for?

Sunny from Arran

Dear Dyke Of course the fank is real - you're reading about it for goodness sake! It's going to be a bit like the early raves - we'll send a last minute message out but be assured it's very early April. A fank is a site of sheep pens ideal for keeping lust crazed siongletons apart. The Kennedy fellow from Fort William is matchmaker with Bobby Robson and Denise Robertson maintaining a watching brief and giving the ginger one encouragement. We have a peat fire limit of two million and believe the north of the island will cope admirably. Most houses are preparing to do B and B and JD's are reporting record sales of crockery, bedding and teacloths. Alan Johns is going 24/7 and everyone is on overtime at the 'I cant believe it's not Guga' factory. We have put a bumper order for candles to 'Wicks are us, Ducky' in Arran so all in all we're on the ball aren't we?

calumannabel from virtual house pixelness head lewis

Could you get some of those big fat pens with 12 colours Sunny. We could draw fake tattoos with them. I'd like to draw a guga in flight just above my ankle. I hear that great crowds of people visit a tattoo in Edinburgh every year. Tch. Mainlanders are so easily impressed. (See and be careful if you're tangling with one.) I see that Calum is on a slippery slope - now he's going on about sheep pens. It'll only be a matter of time before the woolly ones are wanting laptops.

Annie B from Lone Sheiling

How last minute is last minute? I am relying on Calmac (fool that I am). Does the B and B position come with pictures, I'm not sure I've tried it yet. Coll can lend you a man to up-rate your peat fire limit, but you can't be more on the ball than Lamont.

Nic from Coll

Nic Dont worry Calmac do Last Minute Deals. There is also the Eastern Airlines Spitfire with outside toilet. It takes 30 mins from Inverness unless it's crop spraying en route.On a personal note,is Nic short for Nicola and Coll short for Collin? Are you in fact a couple maquerading as a singleton. Nic if you're coming to the fank without Coll your secret's safe with me. Now what's this Band B position - the only two positions we have on this Calvinist Island are 1 the missionary position and 2 the mercenary position where the woman gives you an invoice with 30 days to settle. Is love not like this the world over?

Confused from Lewis

Big Fat Pens with twelve colours? Is that what metrosexual means? I had no idea there was so much choice! I'm getting a bit feart now! As for last minute, are you remembering we've got a lot of rowing to do Calum? And we're stopping for tea at Grannie Ellies, speaking of whom, anyone heard from her recently? Hope the milk bottles aten't piling up?

Sunny was straight last time I looked from Big Pink Island

Hi Confused I've joined the Wee Frees, I'm learning to walk on water and then I'll teach the car, how much diesel will I need? I'm extremely doubtful I'll have ANY secrets by the time I've been at the fank 24 hours, so if a fella catches my eye I'll only offer 30 minutes to settle down. Band B are playing the support set for Wee Free Kings.

Nic from Coll

I'm missing Grannie E too. If I remember rightly she's went quiet after she mentioned shop bought clothes and writers' block. Should we send search teams to the Auchenshuggle Outlet Mall & Galleria? (Also, I wonder if Confused could explain the recovery position?)

Annie B from Lone Sheiling

I think Auchenshuggle may have been ethnically cleansed by streetcleaners from Clydebank. I heard there were a band of women holding out in the wash house.

Pepe the Pavement Artist from Laxdale

I have been looking to make contact with people loving pink pens. I am the LGBT History Month Dev Officer - hoping to put on lots of events in February. Any ideas? www.lgbthistory.org.uk

Ann Marriott from Scotland

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