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Blasad Beag – Episode 36: San Sgoil

Halò agus fàilte oirbh gu Blasad Beag far am bi mi a’ toirt thugaibh beagan Gàidhlig shìmplidh! Welcome to Blasad Beag – our feature for beginners and those who want to learn some useful, everyday Gaelic phrases.

Anns an leasan seo, tha sinn gu bhith a’ toirt sùil air cuid de na cuspairean as cumanta a tha air an teagasg anns an sgoil. In this lesson, we are going to look at the most common subjects taught at school.

A bheil sibh eòlach air an fhacal “cuspair”? Are you familiar with the word ‘cuspair?’ It’s another word for subject. Cuspair. Cuspair.

To ask whether you enjoy a particular subject, you would use the phrase, ’A bheil an cuspair seo a’ còrdadh riut?’ Are you enjoying this subject?

To be polite you would ask, ’A bheil an cuspair seo a' còrdadh ribh?’ Are you enjoying this subject?

And to answer you would say, ’Tha an cuspair a’ còrdadh rium.’ I do enjoy the subject.
Or ‘Chan eil an cuspair a' còrdadh rium.’ I do not enjoy the subject.

Now let’s have a look at some of the most common subjects taught:

Matamataig. Maths. Matamataig.
Spòrs. PE. Spòrs.
Beurla. English. Beurla.
Agus fear air am bi sibh uile eòlach. One you will all know. Gàidhlig. Gaelic. Gàidhlig.
Eachdraidh. History. Eachdraidh.
Cruinn-eòlas. Geography. Cruinn-eòlas.
Agus saidheans. Science. Saidheans.

Èistibh ris a’ chòmhradh seo. Listen to this conversation:

Eilidh: Hi a’ Chaluim, ciamar a tha thu an-diugh? Dè a’ chiad chuspair a tha agad?
Calum: Hi Eilidh, tha mi gu math tapa leat. ’S e matamataig a’ chiad chuspair a th’ agam. Dè a’ chiad chuspair a th’ agad fhèin?
Eilidh: Oh, chan eil matamataig a’ còrdadh riumsa! ’S e eachdraidh a th’ agamsa. Is toigh leam eachdraidh!

Eilidh asked Calum, ‘Ciamar a tha thu an-diugh? Dè a’ chiad chuspair a th’ agad?’ How are you today? What subject do you have first?

And Calum answered, ‘Tha mi gu math tapadh leat.’ I’m well thank you. He continued, ‘S e matamataig a’ chiad chuspair a th’ agam.” My first subject is maths, I’ve got maths first. “Dè a’ chiad chuspair a th’ agad fhèin?” What’s your first subject?

Eilidh responded, ‘Oh, chan eil matamataig a’ còrdadh riumsa! ’S e eachdraidh a th’ agamsa. Is toigh leam eachdraidh!’ Oh, I don’t like maths! It’s history I have first, I have history first. I like history!

Uill, sin e bhuamsa an-dràsta. That’s all from me for now. Tha notaichean rim faighinn air an làraich-lìn againn. To listen again or practise your pronunciation, visit our website for notes and vocabulary from this lesson.

Agus airson tuilleadh Gàidhlig shìmplidh, thoiribh sùil air làrach-lìn To learn some more simple Gaelic phrases, have a look at the website and check out the Beginners section or download the LearnGaelic Beginners App! Tìoraidh an-dràsta!