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Blasad Beag – Episode 33: Dha na Bùithean

Halò, agus fàilt' oirbh gu Blasad Beag – am pàirt den phrògram dhuibhse a tha ag iarraidh Gàidhlig a tha sìmplidh. Welcome to “Blasad Beag” – the section of the programme especially for beginners.

Anns an leasan mu dheireadh dh’ionnsaich sinn faclan co-cheangailte ri airgead. In the previous lesson we learnt some words associated with money. Anns an leasan seo, cleachdaidh sinn facail a bhios tric air an cleachdadh ann an cuid a bhùithean, agus faclan a tha sinn air ionnsachadh ann am Blasad Beag roimhe. In this lesson we’ll use words often used in shops, words you’ve heard before in Blasad Beag.

Mus tèid sinn air adhart, thèid sinn tro na faclan a-rithist. Let’s familiarise ourselves with these words:

The Gaelic for trousers is briogais. Briogais.
A jacket is seacaid. Seacaid.
A skirt is Sgiorta. Sgiorta.
And a dress – dreasa. Dreasa.

And a quick reminder of the words we learnt for money in the previous lesson.

The Gaelic for a penny or pence is sgillinn. Sgillinn.
A Pound is not. Not.
Three pounds is trì notaichean. Trì Notaichean.
Remember, notaichean is the plural of not. Notaichean.
99 pence is not ach sgillinn. Not ach sgillinn.
And, 1.50 is Not gu leth or not is caogad sgillinn. Not gu leth or not is caogad sgillinn.

Don’t worry if you can’t remember all of those – you’ll find notes and vocabulary for all of the Blasad Beag lessons on our website.

Now, to ask somebody how much something cost you would use the phrase, ‘Dè na chosg...?’ Dè na chosg...? How much did something cost...?
Dè na chosg do gheansaidh? How much did your jumper cost? How much did your jumper cost?
If you’re out shopping, you could also ask, ‘De na tha...?’ Dè na tha...? How much is...?

Èistibh ri seo - listen to this:

Eilidh: Hallo, ‘s toigh leam an sgiorta seo. Dè tha an sgiorta a cosg?
Neach-bùtha: Deich not ach sgillinn.
Eilidh: Agus, dè na tha an t-seacaid seo?
Neach-bùtha: Tha an t-seacaid fichead not is caogad sgillinn.
Eilidh: Glè mhath! Ceannaichidh mi an sgiorta agus an t-seacaid.

Eilidh said, ‘S toigh leam an sgiorta seo. Dè na tha an sgiorta a cosg?’ I like this skirt. How much does it cost? The shopkeeper answered, ’Deich not ach sgillinn.’ It’s £9.99. Eilidh then asked, ’Dè na tha an t-seacaid seo?’ How much is this jacket? To which the shopkeeper responded, ’Tha an t-seacaid fichead not is caogad sgillinn.’ The jacket is twenty pounds fifty pence. Eilidh then said, ‘Ceannaichidh mi an sgiorta agus an t-seacaid.’ I’ll buy the skirt and the jacket.

Agus sin e bhuamsa an-dràsta. That’s all from me for now. Tha notaichean rim faighinn air an làraich-lìn againn To listen again or practise your pronunciation, visit the website for notes and vocabulary from this lesson.
Agus airson tuilleadh Gàidhlig shìmplidh, thoiribh sùil air làrach-lìn . To learn some more simple phrases, have a look at the website and check out the Beginners section or download the LearnGaelic Beginners App! Tìoraidh an-dràsta!