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16 October 2014


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Goat Fell Wander

We had the last beach party of the summer recently and you know how after a couple of glasses of wine, while lying on a sundrenched beach, looking up at a mountain range, climbing the biggest mountain seems like a good idea? Yup, suckered again. You would think I would know better as this is exactly how it got me last year. We decided to conquor Goat Fell the next day.

As it was the morning after the night before we set off at mid day. Julie and Sylvia went from Corrie and I left on my own from my house which is next to the path from Brodick.

wood up to goat fell

The walk uo through the woods is really beautiful, the air was alive with butterflies and big fat dragon flies, red squirrels leaping around like nutters, rabbits bouncing, birds singing and deer pretending to be invisible.

path to Goat Fell

It stayed fairly dry right up to the tree line, then it poured most of the way over the shoulder.

Brodick Bay

There's a fantastic view of Brodick Bay from up there.

Goat Fell summit

Met Julie ant Sylv at the summit. It was very windy and the cloud had the cheek to come down and spoil the view. Typical! It took vitrually the same time from both routes. The Corrie route is much shorter but steeper, the Brodick route is definitely easier.

View from Goat Fell

Brodick Bay

We had lunch down from the summit so our pieces didn't blow away, then we walked down together.

Brodick Peaks


I don't know what this bug is but it's good isn't it?

Burn on Goat Fell

decent from Goat Fell

It was a lovely walk. I like walking on my own, gives me time to really look around and soak it all up.

A painting of Cir Mhor, Isle of Arran by Sunny

This is a painting I did of Cir Mhor from another photo taken from the Castles. That's Goat Fell on the left. The police presented it to Wilson last Thursday at his leaving do. He's off to police the big bad mainland. Good luck Wilson.
Posted on Sunny at 17:04


Script and pictures go well together. Sounds like a wonderful hike. Isn't it too cold at this time of year (wind chill factor?) to be wearing hiking shorts? Living in the desert, the sight of those streams makes me drool with envy.

mjc from NM,USA

No ilt's positively balmy, gulf stream, global warming and all that! Was windy near the top, only got blown over once. None of us would've bared our blue legs otherwise. That's me on the summit.

Willow Weaver from Arran

I have to agree with the basketweaver, it is still very warm just now as you can tell from the pictures on the last blog of us out at sea in the longship in T-Shirts. It's 14 degrees celcius today which is lovely. Most of the walk up Goat fell was in T-Shirt and shorts, the wind keeps you cool. I only put my jacket on when it started to rain. We are making the most of the good weather before winter sets in. I've never been in a desert but I have a feeling our idea of cold and yours are very different. A boyfriend spent six months in Saudi once. When he got home it took him a week to stop shivering.

Sunny from Arran

I have to agree with the basketweaver, it is still very warm just now as you can tell from the pictures on the last blog of us out at sea in the longship in T-Shirts. It's 14 degrees celcius today which is lovely. Most of the walk up Goat fell was in T-Shirt and shorts, the wind keeps you cool. I only put my jacket on when it started to rain. We are making the most of the good weather before winter sets in. I've never been in a desert but I have a feeling our idea of cold and yours are very different. A boyfriend spent six months in Saudi once. When he got home it took him a week to stop shivering.

Sunny from Arran

Hardy folks!

mjc from NM,USA

Hardy folks!

mjc from NM,USA

Aha! You're getting two comments for the price of one to make up for the blogging broomcupboard's Big Holiday Weekend of seven-through-ten Oct. The weather here is Sunny.........

Flying Cat from cynicism samba

Hi Flying Cat, We had some technical problems over the weekend which resulted in a delay in posts and comments being published. I can assure you the site will not be left unattended if I'm away.

Anne from IBHQ

It's all relative I suppose, I'd last seconds in the desert. When I'm abroad in hot climates I can't go anywhere without a litre of water and a sun hat. When I was in Turkey I was told I had "poof hair" because fair hair doesn't keep the sun off and they thought we must be half fish the way we were constantly guzzling water. They also called me milky girl as they aren't used to seeing people with blue skin.

Sunny from Arran

In the desert (certainly in ours), those who don't go around with at least two liters of water, large sun hat and lots of sunscreen end up as bleached bones (or on cancer wards with melanomas and such).

mjc from NM,USA

Just discovered this fab blog with its pictures that seriously, seriously jabbed me with longing for the island and its friendly people and midges - it's too many decades since I did my mapping there and watched Brodick from Goat Fell and Goat Fell from Brodick and Para Handy an all..

IanM from Doonsooth

It's full blown party season now, perfect time for an Arran boost IanM. Cal Mac have a cheap weekend offer, up to four people and a car for 40 quid return!

Sunny from Arran

After seeing your photos, I'm positive your island is one of the most beautiful places on earth.

reibsome from MI,USA

I took the same route from Brodick. It is truly amazing. What is the name of the waterfalls you pass on the left hand side on the way up near to the deer fence? Emma

Emma Gibson from Saltcoats, Ayrshire

Listen girl you haven't blogged since October 7th. Have you got yourself fixed up or have you broken something again? Great picture - what medium is it in? Annie B is asking after you. She's in Edinburgh this weekend.

calumannabel from Fivepenny Ness Lewis

very good,so thats what the summit looks like,last time I saw it was covered in mist. regards Bill

Bill McRaith from Kirkcaldey Fife

Could we all club together and get Sunny a good-as-new reconditioned computer from Uzd Cmptrs R Us?

Flying Cat from sad-without-sunny-sofa

I'm homesick now....

Annakucat from St Andrews

Wow! didn't think anyone would miss me! I can't remember my user name and password so cant write blogs and am on a meter anyway. The insurance still haven't coughed up for a new laptop so I've regressed to the dark ages. Congratulations Anne hope everyone is well. Anyone visiting Arran should ring the shop and let me know you're coming as I'm checking my e-mail every couple of weeks or so. XXX

Sunny from on metered netcafe thing

That's exactly the kind of advice I was looking for - I'll know better next time! Cracking pictures by the way, well done for following through on a drink induced plan!

Na Hearadh from Harris

Been to the top of Goat Fell three times in my youth - last time was with my then girlfriend in 1963. We mean to do it again on our next trip back to Scotland before we are 70.

Hughie McCallum from Australia formerly Ardrossan

Decades between my first walk up Goat Fell and the last one a week ago (June 07). Walked up from Brodick but down to Corrie but great advantage was the slow walk back to Brodick along the coast watching seals bask with their pups. Can anyone tell me what the blackish looking snake I saw on the hill? It warned me with a hiss and looked like it was wearing a wet suit.

T.Gillespie from North Wales

I was most likely and Adder, with zig zags down it's back? Glad you took the warning. A gentleman of dubious intellect picked two up in Glen Rosa last year for a photo shoot and ended up airlifted to the mainland. He'd've died if he hadn't been the size of an ox. Then again he did get bitten six times. They're timid creatures and will run rather than bite.

Sunny from Arran

Off eggs & on to tatties......should anyone feel thirsty when they get back to the foot of Goat Fell (at Cladach).....please feel free to pop into the Brewery Shop (if we're open) and have a complimentary taster of beer. The only stipulation, to get this free taster, is that you should mention that you read this comment. All visitors are most welcome.

Elisabeth from The Arran Brewery, Cladach

I climbed Goat Fell and came down the Glen Rosa route which took nearly 6 hours on a beutiful summers day in 2005 with my now father-in-law. On the way along Glen Rosa, my father-in-law stopped me and said "You do know what you've just done". Unwittlingly, I'd stepped over a stone which had an adder sunbathing on it, without even noticing it was there :) Love Arran, have been 6 times and am coming over next weekend. Sunny, are there any events and bands playing at any of the pubs?

Jonathan Briggs from Leicester

It's true! The Brewery really does give free beer tastings! It's a lovely way to finish your walk and ther's a good bar and restaurant at Claddach too where you can get a cooling pint and a fine meal. The main car park for Goatfell is at Claddach and the beginning of the main path starts here. There's also an ourdoor shop for clothing, kit, compeed plasters and midge repellant :D See my previous blog in the July 2005 or August for a guide to other walks or look through the archive from August 2005 onwards for detailed walks. As for what's on at the weekend? I don't know when you left this Jonathan but best to check the Arran Voice or Arran Banner websites or the Aldersyde Hotels website. The Aldersyde in Lamlash has well known bands on most weekends all year round.

Sunny from Exile

Hello, I have planned trip to visit Arran next week and we are hoping to climb Goatfell. I have been told there are 2 routes, could you please tell me a bit about both routes, including where to start from and how long they take so we can plan it into our visit?

Gill from glasgow

There are two routes up Goat Fell. If it's your irst time take the easy route from Claddach. You head out of Broadick on the coast road and it's on your right just past Duchess Court shops. The path starts at the brewery. It's an easy walk up with a bit of a scramble at the top. It takes about 2 hours to walk up at an easy pace. Make sure you take arm waterproof clothing no matter what the weather is like and only go on a clear day as it's a fantastic view from the top. There other route i from Corrie, follow the coat road North until you come into the village, you will see the path signposted on your right. It takes about the same length of time but is much steeper an there's a deer ladder to climb over. This route is much less used, you can take this route and not meet a soul until you get to the top.

Sunny from Cyprus

Looks like a great walk, shall definately pack the shorts and hope I spot the adders before they spot me. Some great info and comments which is really helpful as this will be our first time in Arran

Desperate Dan from Cronton

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