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16 October 2014

Island Blogging from 91热爆 ScotlandIsland Blogging91热爆 Scotland

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Go here for tips on Getting Started, Posting a Blog, Your Settings, Adding Links, Adding Images, Inserting an Image Gallery, and using HTML code.

Getting Started

Welcome to Island Blogging's Top Tips on how to get started with your blog. We want to give you some simple advice so you can format and form your blog as you want it.

Island Blogging reserves the right to change the house rules from time to time by publishing any amendments on site. You are responsible for regularly reviewing the house rules. By submitting a post you confirm your acceptance of any changes.

Anyone who lives on an island in Scotland is eligible. To join you simply choose the area you live in and click on Contribute on the left hand side of the page. From here you have to fill in a form 'Create your bbc.co.uk Membership'.

You have to do this only once, it gives you access to a host of 91热爆 sites with one membership. It's called Single Sign-On and was designed to allow you easy access to all the content that requires membership, Message Boards and similar.

The trick is to write down and keep safe somewhere your Member name and Password.

Once you've done all this you can go into the Island Blogging website and write your first blog.

You can choose from one of six style for the look of your blog, write some blurb about your blog, put some permanent links to your favourite sites, and post a picture to go with the blog.

All of your entries from this day forth will then be updated automatically and archived.

Posting a Blog

It's really easy: just write about something in the big box! No post is too short - and sometimes one line is enough - and you can write as much as you like, but remember that people often find reading large, uninterupted chunks of text off a computer screen tiring.

When you're done writing, click 'Save' at the bottom of the page; this will show you a preview of your post. If you're happy with it, click 'Publish'. Your post will then join the moderation queue.

But you can also add photos, create a gallery, add links to other parts of the internet, or add formatting like italics, bold or block quotes.

All this works in the same way. You highlight the text you have in mind - left click on your mouse and drag it over the relevant piece of text - then click on one of the commands you want.

For instance - 'link' - then add in to the box that appears the relevant url (web address) that you wish to link to.

If it sounds complicated don't worry. A bit of trial and error and you will quickly get the hang of it.

Once you've posted your previous entries will still be available for you to edit or even delete.

Your Settings

This is the bit about your blog and it will remain the same while your daily blogs change. It will say: "Edit Weblog Settings Now that you're a bbc.co.uk member we need to decide how your weblog will apear to other internet users. We need to know where you're from, what you're calling your weblog and what design you like the most. Remember, you only get one weblog, so stop and think before filling this in."
You can go back in and edit this information, though it will be confusing to users if you are constantly changing the information.

On Adding Your 'About This Blog' Details

Following general internet-safety it's best to keep the information relatively anonymous.

A sentence just about what your general themes are and where you're based is best.

On Adding Your Favourite Links

On the right hand side of your blog you have five sections: 'About Your Blog'; 'Recent Posts'; 'Archives' and 'Links'.

Your Recent Post and archives update automatically, but you can change the text and image about your blog and your favourite links.

A couple of notes worth remembering about your Links section. First of all its important to remember that you can't link to commercial sites - that's shops, hotels, or sites flogging stuff.

Second, a couple of things on formatting. To include the url (the web address or link) as an active link (ie. one people can just click on to get to it), copy the following into your Sources/ Links section:

<a href="http://www.yourlink.com/">Description of Link</a>

Just change the website address to the one you want and change the text saying "Your Link" to however you want to describe the site you're linking to.

By adding the address in this way it will look much neater and be an actual live link. Also, you'll see there's a <br> which stands for break and this seperates your links to another line.

All you have to do is replace the address starting 'http://www' with the address you want, and also replace the text in the middle with the text you want.

So say you wanted to have Google as one of your favourites. Okay not the most original choices I know but heh! This is what it would look like:

<div align="center"><img src="links2.jpg" alt="Links"></div>

Adding Images

Files should be no bigger than 200Kb and should be either gif or jpg images under 440 pixels in width.

When you wish to post an image on to your blog, just click on the 'Insert image (s)' button along the top of your create new post options.

It will give you the choice to 'Upload a new image from your own computer to Island Blogging.' Click here and select the image you want remembering the file restraints 'Files should be no bigger than 200Kb and should be either gif or jpg images under 440 pixels in width.'

You will be asked to 'browse' which just means to search your computer for the right image. Once selected, click on it and then click on the upload button.

That's it.

It will then say "Enter a description to accompany this image in the box below. Next, select how you would like to see it displayed, then click Insert."

Before you are given the prompt to Publish you are also offered the chance to edit. Please edit your posts till you are happy with the formatting of your pictures. You can experiment by seeing what looks best in terms of layout by choosing align 'left' 'centre' etc

Inserting an Image Gallery

An image gallery allows you to add images one after the other in a single space so that viewers can flick through, one after another.

One thing, not obvious but worth noting is that you do have to put a small bit of text before you start your gallery.

Basically once you click on 'Insert Image Gallery' it will include all of the individual photos you then post within that Gallery between <gallery> and ,/gallery>.

You then add them one by one as usual, and you will, each time, get a new preview of each image.

<img src="something.jpg" alt="Something">

The title of the first image in this gallery is 'Something'.
This is the description.

<img src="something_else.jpg" alt="Something Else">
<img src="yet_another_image.gif" alt="Another Image">

This is the description of the 3rd image in the gallery.


Before you are given the prompt to Publish you are also offered the chance to edit. Please edit your posts till you are happy with the formatting of your pictures. You can experiment by seeing what looks best in terms of layout by choosing align 'left' 'centre' etc

Can I use HTML?

The following HTML tags are allowed in your posts.


Used to create links to elsewhere on the web.

<a href="http://www.bbc.co.uk/">91热爆 91热爆page</a>

b or strong

Makes a piece of text appear in bold..

<b>Bold text</b> or <strong>Bold text</strong>

i or em

Emphasise a piece of text.

<i>Emphasised text</i> or <em>Emphasised text</em> 


Hightlights a paragraph, usually used for quoting the words of another.

<blockquote>Some quoted text</blockquote>


Inserts a line break.

<br />

Further Reading

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