Endangered Godwin
Posted: Tuesday, 26 September 2006 |
The pen is mightier than the sword which is why we have pens at our fanks and swords are frownwed upon. I firat learnt this at my grandfather's knee as he read out a Godwin article from the Storonoway Gazette to me. Without Godwin this and a myriad other burning issues of incidental philosophy and wisdom would have passed me by and I would have remained in life's layby rather than in the fast lane of being. Far is fair the Godwin was there for us in our hour of need it is time for we islanders to redeem our debt. Keep the JCB and the JG apart Westmoreland Council or there will be an uprising against you. Be afeard be very afeared as we say up here.
calumannabel from main deck Godwin Lightship
Great letter Sunny! I think it needs a few tortured metaphors and obscure quotes to finish it off, how about: Sir, What hope for Penrith? It seems we must all march to the tune of redevelopment, however great the cost. Shakespeare said 'What is the city but the people?'. He did not say 'What are the people without the city?' For improvement, read impairment. The grapes of wrath are bitter indeed. Learn from the house marten, who every year returns to last year's nest. He has no need to regenerate, for nature knows no such vanity. The seed of the dandelion will become dandelion. The seed of the nettle will become nettle. Yours, Concerned of Lewis
BoB from Lewis
Ah purple prose BoB not to be confused by Atholl Prose which I believe is a mainland pudding or am I getting mixed up with John Prescott?
calumannabel from Godwin the Wind
For godwiness sake, before there is any more rending of garments and gnashing of wallies, someone get hold of an OS map of Penrith. It is possible that the sacred and hallowed ground of Drover's Lane is exempt from this degeneration of which you spake. Let the Faithful resist all abjurations to Panic, lest the seeds of Madness cast themselves free from Lewis and infect the rest of us, The Continuing Free Godwinians.
Flying Cat from Consternation Corner
Exorcism, that's what you all need, methinks. Does NHS provide it (and what's the waiting time?). As the semi-retired Guga hunter from Lewis said somewhere else: "heathens!" It's not nearly mid-winter yet and you are all already engaged in full throated, out of control yodeling ...
mjc from NM,USA
Flying Cat, what are you thinking! Would the Godwin gather any local knowlegde or let the facts get in the way of his campaign? This is what happens when great institution schism, just look what happened to The Goodies or Wham! Perhaps it is better to tow the line than try to walk it!!! Is this any better? I want to learn, I really do...
Sunny from ah, you know
Dear Sunny Believer, why would the Great G need to gather knowledge when He is the Font of all Knowledge, all-seeing, all-knowing and all any of us, his followers, will ever need. A little schism every now and then is a Good Thing.... and the band plays 'Nearer my Godwin to Thee' as the developers' hammer falls on Drover's Lane.......... We live in hope.
Flying Cat from the Virtual Book of Godwin
Dear Flying Cat & MJC, that is exactly my point! If we are to follow th Godwin we must Walk the Godwin Walk and Talk the Godwin Talk thus starting full campaigns about a number of unrealted issues without any information other than that gleaned from one unreliable source, in this case a rumour heard by Calumannabel. Have you written your letter to the Westmoreland Herald?
The Godwinian Conclave from Arran
You are suggesting that a mere cat writes to the Westmoreland Herald? Do you think they would print it? I think I need some Guidance from a True Believer. And I have never seen the Godwin Walk. Is it in any way similar to the Lambeth one? Come to think of it, I have never set eyes on the Godwin, thus, the Big Question is - does He exist?
Flying Cat from pen-poised position
Gasp! You'll be taking The Godwins name in vain next! Heathens indeed, Heresy (and I don't mean the cack band)! I think one should contact the Ministry of Funny Walks regarding how exactly the Gowin Walk goes. The Arran Banner prints letters from dogs, the trees and even the Cal Mac Gangplank which is called Gordon, so I don't see why the Westmoreland would get snotty, on the other hand you could be considered too controversial regarding your crisis of faith, do we need to see Godwin? We see the word of Godwin every week in every local rag everywhere! MJC does the Godwin write to your local paper? What's it called? Perhaps you could write to the Westmoreland Herald with the address of your local paper so Jeremy can get a subscription, then you could benefit from the ramblings of Godwinism too?
Sunny from Arran
The Roswell Times or is it the Roswell Picayune. Every evening the rag is spread far and wide around the galaxy.
mjc from NM,USA
Brilliant! I see it all now. Mjc invites the Godwin to live in the desert and He then re-enacts that 40 days and 40 nights thing and the Devil tempts Him and He says "get thee behind me Satin" or "Statins" or whatever it was and then Somebody burns a bush and Bob's your uncle. I don't think much of the Arran Banner if it prints letters from dogs. Every sensible cat knows they are functionally illiterate.
Flying Cat from admiration anteroom
Around here, muchachos y muchachas, "Pedro's your uncle!"
mjc from NM,USA
Hang on. I'm not anyone's uncle! At least I don't think I am....
BoB from Lewis
Fanny's your auntie?
Flying Cat from terminology tightrope
In the UK, I believe, Tony's your uncle and Margaret is your auntie. Here, in the US, mission accomplished George W. ("What? Me worry?!") is nobody's uncle and everybody's cross.
mjc from NM
Did you know that if you google Jeremy Godwin there are 387,000 entries! If anyone tries this can you please report what it says about Jeremys court case? Daylight Robbery Internet Cafe won't let me open it, so it must be juicy!
Sunny from Feeding the net meter
456,000 in my iBook and, while I recover, the Cumberland and Westmoreland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society is particularly fascinating. However, non-members can't view the membership list, so I am still no nearer to confirming the existence or otherwise of Our Great Leader. But, somehow, I felt really really close to Him.......
Flying Cat from lying down in a darkened room
You'll be glad to know that two of the three judges in the case, which Jeremy brought after cycling into a hole in the pavement on a dark night after drinking with friends, were called Boggins and Wise. At least I hope it makes you glad...........
Flying Cat from a powdered wig
I could hardly believe what I was reading in Sunny's blog.Here I was in all innocence browsing through our daughters computer, while we were visiting and my wife being a bit of a ballet entrepeneur wanted to watch Swan Lake on 91热爆 1, I thought I would have a look at some of the latest blogs, and as I originate from a small village in Ayrshire, Arran way back in the 40's and 50's was a favourite trip on the paddle steamer I think it was the Caledonia from Ayr.So methinks when I wonder if there are any interesting blogs from Arran.Well you could have knocked me down with a feather duster when I saw the name Jeremy Godwin, I couldn't believe that this gentleman had hi-jacked other island newspapers as well as Orkney and Shetland, I can only conclude that Jeremy is trying to become a celebrity through the local media, therefore Jade and her associates in 'Celebrity Big Brother' better look out they might have another contender, and Jeremy has all the answers, to life's problems, so you had better look out. Let me give you an example of Jeremy's wisdom, in Shetland here a local horticulturist suggested for us keen gardeners that perhaps we could try growing Rhodedendrums,(sorry about the spelling) but I am sure the good people in Arran, know what I am writing about.Well to get any plant be it bush or tree,to grow in Shetland thanks to the wind and salt, is know easy task,well Jeremy wrote a letter to the 'Shetland Times' warning us against growing this invasive plant he gave us a vision of it blocking the view of motorists at road junctions and elsewhere, so on the strength that here as suggested might be a plant that could outdo the rigours of the Shetland climate I was able to purchase one at our local Co-op imported obviously from South, that was about 4years ago, height at purchase about 30cm(1foot) give it it's due it is still alive current height about 35cm(1foot 2inches) I should add in fairness that I had to move it nearer the house to give it a little more shelter if I had not it appeared to be heading for that wonderful Eden in the sky.So you can next mention to Jeremy the only view that will be blocked will be mine from our window and at the present rate of growth I doubt if I shall live to see it, but with due respect Jeremy in his 'homespun' wisdom probably knows best.
Olickgob from Shetland mainland
He's not on the interweb. Doesn't have a computer. Was featured in December issue of new-look Shetland Life magazine, which, being from your neck of the woods, would have thought you might have seen.
Flying Cat from a Northern Fastness
From discussions on the islandblog we know that the great Godwin contributes to most island papers and local rags in places as far afield as Helsinki and Philladelphia. We know this as he's mentioned articles in these papers during his epistles to The Arran Banter.
Sunny from Arran
An update, Arran has a new rag which has opened in competition to the banter! I got my photo in the first new editions!
Sunny from Arran