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16 October 2014


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New Year Resolutions

New Years Resolutions suck! Normally I make a couple of half-hearted promises then promptly forget about them. But this year we were discussing resolutions during first footing and I ended up writing mine down, which makes them real…. Blast! Goals have to be realistic so I realistically decided to start my resolutions when I went back to work. Then I delayed them till Monday as the weekend was so close and I still had first footing to finish. So here are my resolutions:

1.Stop prevaricating (yes I know but am definitely sticking to it from the 9th)

2.Go on a strict diet and get my bikini body back (I’ve got a layer of winter insulation that has to go. This one is non negotiable)

3.Do fat burning exercise for an hour at least five days a week (essential part of the weight loss)

4.Keep my accounts up to date (I hate the panic when my accountant visits)

5.Stop smoking (This is the easy one as I went off cigarettes ages ago and keep forgetting to smoke anyway)

6.Stop drinking alcahol completely for one month (apart from the Burns supper obviously. This will also help with no.5 as I only remember to smoke when I drink and no.2 kick start)

7.Get my website finished before February (This refers to no.1)

8.Only date suitable men (this is the least likely to last as my taste in men is appalling)

9.Only go out one night a week (don’t know how long this one is going to last but will help massively with all of the above)

10.Don’t let a certain basket weaver anywhere near my laptop, especially after a bottle of plonk.

If it wasn’t for the fank I would’ve renounced all men forever, got a cat and started wearing my bra outside my jumper. I would also have made my goal to be thin to be June as there’s no need to be seen without my thermals any time before that but I’ll bring it forward to increase my chances of trapping a victim… Ah, er.. I mean making a good match. I’m counting on the matchmaker as I have an unerring knack of choosing the most pointless, feckless, spineless wasters, no one could do a worse job of it than I do. With stiff competition like Annie B, Granny E, Chrissie Mary and Trevor I’ve got to be looking my best. So keep those beauty tips coming on Annie B’s blog.

The reason Julie is banned from my laptop is that she came over to help me eat the non-diet items and drink all the left over booze to remove all temptation in time for Monday. We had drunk all the wine and were onto the beer when she decided to show me the jute floor covering that she’s thinking of for her lovely new house with the indoor bathroom. She used the computer for all of five minutes but when I booted up this evening my lovely Dougie Donnelly screen saver was replaced by Michaelangelos’ last supper and I can’t get rid! Here I am about to put myself through hell and every time I open the laptop I’m going to be faced with Jesus and his frock wearing cronies filling their faces, knocking back the booze and partying on! Do you think that’s funny madam? Is this revenge for making you help drink the port? Which in the cold light of day I’ve realised that Port won’t go off in a month.

Come on then, lets hear everyones’ resolutions?

Posted on Sunny at 01:49


Joining you on Number 5 - which is with me also related closely to Number 6. Hoping the ban will help with this as I only really smoke in the pub.

Mike from Glasgow

Stop drinking alcohol! I have discovered a way round this. Since the MRSA threat arrived all the hospitals have hand barrier creams which are basically - you've guessed it - alcohol. Just rub a bottle steadily into your hands and an hour later you're not capable of driving. Also you are not tempted to smoke as it's banned in the hospital. Evryone wins. Somebody who wouldn't normally get a visit gets a bit of company. The alcohol dulls their effect on you. It's a cheap night out and yet you still come out staggering like Charles Kennedy - whoever he is. It's a whole new concept -social visiting

calumannabel from The hand cream machine ward 4 lewis hospital

Good luck chaps. I'm going to another high place today - to stop my chimney smoking..

Annie B from Lone Sheiling

Dear Calum, Sorry you were sounding stressed about the medical effects of the fank. Chrissie Mary would welcome visitors. Can't remember whether she's in the Erisort, Clisham or Seaforth Ward, but you stop for a swift scrub at each while you have a nosey.

Annie B from Lone Sheiling

Look at Sunny's nicely formatted links (on the right). Ten out of ten go to the top of the class! Now what about the rest of the rabble?

Mike from Glasgow

Hurray for Sunny!! Top of the class sounds like a High Echelon.

Annie B from Lone Sheiling

Interesting idea Calimannabel, can calories get through the skin or is it just pure, fat free alcahol? You see the giving up the drink thing is to kick start the mamoth weight loss... I'm so hungry..

Sunny from Arran

Oh Mike you creeping get! Did you not read that we men are spineless, feckless etceteras! My resolution this year is simply to have no resolutions. If it ain't broke don't fix it! Oh lord who am I kidding................

Scottish Soldier from Mull

I have a suggestion which might help with nos. 5, 6 and 9 and will probably render everything else except perhaps no.10 irrelevant. It's simple, easy and most importantly free ( to start with anyway), unless you're really desperate - let's not go there. So here it is - get pregnant! Obviously you'll need to find a suitable man at the Dating Extravaganza first, but that should still give you time to fulfill your resolutions within the year. I can vouch for it as an excellent way to refrain from smoking, drinking and all forms of socialising. Hope this helps!

BoB from Lewis

Thanks Mike XXX (Did you fix them for me?). Scottish Soldier, I did NOT say ALL men are feckless, spineless etc. I was clearly refering to the ones that I have dated. I have, in the past, tarred all the men on Arran with this brush (I have NOT dated all the men on Arran) but really I'm only referring to the south end invertebrate who dumped by text a couple of weeks before Christmas, probably to save buying a pressie. BoB don't you think that's just a wee bit of an extreme solution? My Dad would kill me!

Sunny from Arran

I dont make new year resolutions anymore, I only break them heheh good luck with yours though.

Zak from Bute

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