Party at My House!
Posted: Saturday, 24 September 2005 |
It's my friends birthday today so we're having a massive party! You are all invited. Just ask anyone in Brodick where the party is and you should be directed to my house. 1/2 a mile out of Brodick towards Corrie, turn left up the track opposite Arran Arromatics and past the sand & gravel quarry. It's the only house up there, you can't miss it. I'm pumping up baloons at the moment which will be tied to trees & bushes along the way. I love throwing partys!
Posted on Sunny at 12:02
Have a great birthday. We hope to visit Scotland next Summer.
Joseph DeBor from Arlington, Virginia
Many thanks for the kind invitation, I'm so sorry I couldn't accept it, but I already had an invite to a party on Saturday night. Hope you're party went well and the clear up wasn't too bad!
Jane from at the desk
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