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16 October 2014


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My Gran

Now a lot of folk on the island know "Granny Wood". She's Gran to nearly everyone - not just our family. Gran is an amazing woman, a lady who's in her 80's but had up until the latter part of last year the constitution of a 60 year old.

Why the change - well Gran and Great Aunt Annie (her sister) were getting ready to leave GAA's house when Gran heard what sounded like a car alarm. GAA recognised it for what it was - a smoke alarm going off in her neighbour's house.

Gran - being Grand despatched GAA to phone the Fire Brigade, an ambulance, and to get another neighbour to help, while she managed to jimmy her way inside the security chained front door, and head up the stairs into the smoked filled flat.

To cut a long story short - Gran spent a week in Hospital - at the insistence of the Fire/Ambulance guys - not at her insistence. They were worried about smoke inhilation and the Paramedics thought she might have had a small stroke while trying to carry out GAA's neighbour!

After a night in hospital however, Gran was issuing orders, Bring in my knitting, feed the budgie, check on GAA, mind you've got the dentist to go to on Tuesday - The usual Gran orders really.

Now Gran is back to being herself again, and recently she received a letter from the Fire Service asking her to come along to a presentation ceremony where they'd like to give her an award for saving a life.

The British Red Cross society - which Gran has been involved in since the year dot, also got in touch.

They've indicated that they'll also be at the Fire Station that day to present her with the Special Service Cross. According to British Red Cross person, this Medal isn't handed out very often, but we as a family reckon that if anyone person deserves it. Its Gran!

Posted on Jane at 11:18


Super-Gran, to the rescue! What a remarkable woman.


Gary Sutherland from Tobermory

Gary - You have no idea at all just how remarkable Gran is.

Do you know Gran has a magic shopping bag? You can ask Gran for anything (but money) and she can reach into the bag and pull it out. We were sitting having lunch one day, when my Dad said he needed a 9" spanner. I swear as I sit here and type this, she popped her hand into the bag and pulled it out.....

Jane from Getting ready to go to North Berwick

Could Magic Gran share her Lovelyness with us online? Maybe someone could be her weblog secretary... It'd be delicious to read. There'll probably be an 'Och', or seven, at the first suggestion of it though, I imagine... Please say 'Thanks Gran' from me, for being your inspiring elder. Precious.

jaihn from london + http://jaihngems.blogspot.com/

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