Andy the Ferryman's next big swim
Posted: Wednesday, 28 January 2004 |
1 comment |
Some of you might not know that during the Summer of 2003, Andy, one of the Lismore/Port Appin ferrymen, swam from Glensanda Quarry to Port Appin. He did it in just over three hours!!!
I've added a "Multimap" link to show you where Glensanda is (on the mainland on lhs) and where Port Appin is (on the mainland on the rhs). For those of you who may not know where I'm talking about.
He did it to raise money for the children of Port Appin to help develop a piece of ground into a play area for them.
Well, Andy is back in training. This year he's raising money for the kids on the island of Lismore. So where is he going to swim from I hear you ask?
Well Andy - being Andy - is going to swim around the island of Lismore. Yep that's right. He reckons that if he can do a mile every 25 minutes he should be fine.
Personally - I think he'll do it. He's got another couple of swims in mind for 2005 and 2006, and he's actively looking for a "campaign Manager" to help him with raising his sponsorship.
Posted on Jane at 17:59
Hi Jane, your links did't seem to be there so I've tried to find the maps. <a href="">Port Appin</a> is easy enough but I couldn't find the glensanda quarry on multimap. However, I did find <a href="">this page</a> which seems to show the location, and <a href="">this page</a> which has some pictures of the quarry and some pictures of kittens...awww
richard from glasgow
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