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16 October 2014


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The mainland gets stranger and stranger

I have a bone to pick with Jill of EK and all the other mainland regulars. You have duty to keep us poor islanders informed of the giant technical leaps made on the mainland, because we are easily confused and discouraged.

I had to rush down to London the other week, my Gran had had a fall and cracked her pelvis. Getting fourth-hand reports of stair lifts and downstairs bedroom conversions was getting too frustrating so away south it had to be. I dropped a friend off at Paisley hospital, had a mini IKEA fix and coffee and drove to Banbury. Why Banbury? a) because I was very tired and b) my road atlas came from Morrisons and had all the Morrisons stores marked and I thought I'd have breakfast there, and there was one in Banbury.
After an uncomfortable night on the front seat of the van I headed into Banbury. Couldn't find Morrisons but there was a Tescos (not my favourite supermarket) so I had breakfast there. On into London, saw my Gran and was much re-assured. She whizzed along the ward with the zimmer (although the physios haven't got her doing steps yet) and grumbled loudly that everyone was old and didn't talk. (I hoped they were all partly deaf, or they weren't going to forgive some of her comments). Back out into a traffic jam on the M4 and up to Solihull and another Morrisons. I wanted a pot of those salads where you help yourself to lots of different types, and when you eat it you wish you had put fewer different types in. Morrisons do good salads. Luckily so do Sainsburys, because I couldn't find Morrisons again.
North up the M6 to Penrith and another uncomfortable (and noisy) night. I woke far too early for breakfast so drove on up to Glasgow and did a burger van shop in Makro. Never never eat breakfast in Makro. On to Paisley, but alas, not to Morrisons, although Paisley has two Morrisons. I found an Asda. I have to admit Tescos do a better breakfast than Asda. Opposite the Asda car park was a huge advert for Morrisons, but too late, I'd eaten.
And the only thing all these stops had in common is that the milk has changed. Last time I was away milk, or millac, as they called it, came in little white ridged tubs with a lid that wouldn't come off 50% of the time. Now it comes in plastic tubes and looks like a Robert Wiseman lorry. And when you tear the top (which is easy) the milk comes out in a thin stream, which reminds me of when we milked our goats. But at least it isn't millac any more, it is fresh milk. Although I wish 'they' didn't think I was so gullible, the sell-by date was far too long for it to be fresh, it has to be heat-treated. But why had no-one told me. I wasted hours (minutes) searching for something that wasn't there. (I'm a slow learner, even back at Oban Tescos I was still looking for white tubs)

PS I've got used to the varifocals now, and the old glasses seem really odd, but my favourite bit is still tilting my head back and putting all you lot out of focus!
Posted on NiconColl at 22:32


Well, Nic, I hardly think I can be blamed for not keeping you up to date on the ever-changing milk situation. I just buy 4-litre bottles (from Sainsbury's, since you ask). Your expertise on supermarkets is clearly far in excess of mine anyway :-) I could, however, have given you guidance on stairlifts as my dad had 2 installed last week... I promise to keep up with the latest milk developments in future!

Jill from EK

Oops, sorry Nic, don't do milk in tea or coffee, it needs alcohol before it becomes bearable (recommend Brown Cows wholeheartedly) so know nothing in regard to little tubs or sachets, like Jill it's the 4pint jug (but from Asda)

jas from under Mia's paw

Well Nc, I think you are very brave driving in London. I've become so used to island driving that any trip sooth is a terror of lane changes, roundabouts and traffic lights.

Stromness Dragon from Stuck at the lights

Glad you survived your trip down south, and that Granny is still training for the Olympics. Do you think you might take after your granny down the road, Nic? # Off to England tomorrow. Packing is a breeze: an abundance of pairs of socks, underwear, pants, shirts, a jacket, ties, shoes and half a dozen books. Oh yes, and noise reducing earphones. I should be on time for tea at Buckingham Sunday.

mjc from NM,USA

Nic, good to hear you are now at ease with your progressive lenses.

mjc from NM,USA

Someone quite a few miles from me says Sainsbury's is heaven on earth and can she have one please...oh and never ever travel to Planet Mainland without earplugs.

Flying Cat from behind bars

hallo nic--over here milk is supplied in loads of various packaging---from cardboard containers,via dried mil(a bit better than marvel but still tastes lousy to plastic botlles. it also varies from skimmed,semi-skinned, to full fat,the majority still being pasturised but it is still possisble to get fresh milk in the more expensive supermarkets-- I'm happy because you can now get organic milk in most supermarkets now along with goats milk,soya milk and rice milk for those who are allegeric to dairy milks

carol from over here-

tubs? plastic? we still milk the cow each morning ...

kiwipaddy from edinburgh

Makro Burgers - Cheat !! come on you've got all the time in the world to make your own from calf to table in less than 24 months!!

Visitor on the Clansman from Scotland

Wups. Please don't anyone ever think I get my burgers from Makro. All Nicsnacks burgers and sausages come from a real butcher in Oban. Food miles and taste and ease of ordering and stuff. (I still have a mild sense of unease over the burger issue, when I was a kid they were a real treat, along with coke and puddings, so I still feel they are secretly 'a wicked thing'. And they say the Scots atre Calvinistic!) But Makro is good for napkins and plastic burger cheese and Crunchy bars. I also bought a whole belly of pork and we made it into bacon, it is so easy I don't know why more people don't do it. Except you really need a vacuum sealer and another fridge and a slicer. I'm still not sure if Mrs Pig is in pig or not yet.

Nic from Coll

Pigs are so intelligent you'd think she could just tell you...of course she might tell you porkies...

Flying Cat from dribbling all over the joint

having recently escaped for our annual hols to the south of england i can concur with your sentiments on modern technoligy-also kids and service stations/motorways = a second mortgage ,oh for the day when i can convince the clan that two weeks of life on Coll will be agood holiday the better, cant wait to get my next burger at boat time and my next dinner in the hotel regard to all and keep blogging as it is auseful distraction to life in the city

jmp from the bigwet city

How is the garden Nic? Not much time for it or for blogging? Come on Nic, I know it is summer, and the busy season, but you have to make time. # Just got back from England, where my favorite pub in Wolvercote (the Trout) has gone upscale (gastro pub, so help me): the setting is as nice as ever, though. I was surprised to see note how good I found the Wetherspoon chicken tikka: but maybe I was just tired and hungry at that airport terminal. # Back safely in southern Indiana (lost luggage will join owner later today). I tried to appear blase but daughter's graduation ceremony was moving. She chose to wear an old fashioned Thomas Moore (beret) style hat, the only one in the bunch to choose such a definetely retro accessory (it had to be an American, of course). As we were walking back to her College after ceremony, a visiting couple was taken aback by the hat, and I heard the husband say to his wife (as he took a hurried camera shot) "yes, they do still give theology degrees ..".

mjc from NM,USA

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