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16 October 2014


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I went to the hall meeting last night. There weren't any seats left in the back row, so I moved one out of the middle row and joined the two people at the back. I was followed by someone who took the other chair from the front row and pulled it to the back. All psychological of course. The architect's mate sat in the front row on his own. Beyond the laptop-pretending-to-be-an-overhead-projector were another six people; it wasn't the world's best-attended meeting. However we rose to the challenge and animatedly discussed where the bins should go, and whether the recycling should be just for the hall, or the whole island, and whether there should be more showers in the bunkhouse. And we looked at coloured blobs on plans indicating the various uses of different bits, and there was a discussion on acoustics for the stage, although an acoustics engineer will be consulted (I never knew that might have been a career option) and the kitchen area will be designed by a professional kitchen designer (someone who designs professional kitchens, as opposed to the domestic type) and then given the once-over by our professional chefs at the Hotel and Cafe and I wasn't exactly bored, but I don't know anything about acoustics so my attention was beginning to wander and then we got a picture of the hall from the road, and I think it will be beautiful. The big gable end of the main hall is stone with a large window and a timber sliding shutter so it looks like an old-fashioned barn. Then there is a very modern looking glass bit that joins onto the long, low corridor of ancillary rooms, which will be rendered and painted white. There are some fake chimneys which are actually 'light wells' (just as well I watch Grand Designs, or my vocabulary would be deficient). The whole thing looks perfectly in scale and is neither awesomely modern or boringly traditional. So I still think the hall will be 'a good thing'. We have to raise around 拢200,000 so I am looking for sponsors not to take part in the Coll Half Marathon at the end of August. That kind of physical effort would seriously compromise the amount of intellectual energy I would have available for blogging.
The plans can be seen on the An Cridhe website, and there is probably a list of people mad enough to want to run 13 and a bit miles round Coll not enjoying the views who all want a few more sponsors. And then I was going to go home. I had even turned the car round so it was facing the right way. But the architect asked if I was coming up for a drink, and it would have been rude to refuse, especially when it is going to be such a nice building, and I'm so weak-willed so I turned the car round, and this is getting to be jolly hard work because the power steering doesn't seem to have as much power as it used to and went to the pub for the fourth night in a row!

PS I didn't mention turbine, and nor did anyone else.
Posted on NiconColl at 22:52


I think the hall will be an excellent thing. Every village/parish should have one. And yours sounds like the best sort, mixing a nod to the traditional with modern design. Sponsoring someone NOT to run a half marathon is a very innovative and downright sensible way to raise dosh!

Flying Cat from never run when you can slink

I will sponsor you Nic !! I think that is a wonderful idea and great fund raiser. Just send me the sponsorship, or add my name to the list, real name that is, don't want anyone raising an eyebrow at my aka.... lol xx

Squidgy the Otter from What a brilliant idea!!

good, good good name, An Cridhe but can the island pull it off? can the island stand together for the common good? having viewed An Cridhe from end to end, have read the policy, the promotions, the comments etc, but hey lol, when did coll ever agree on anything let alone act as a small community, too many strongwilled folks going their own way. doin their own thing with a I am alright jack attitude, will believe it when i see it, suppose you have a good coll builder too.

thisleblower from coll

Acoustics? Are you going for Sydney Opera House standard? Little known fact that when the Glasgow Concert Hall was built it had the option of putting in more baffles and taking the medal for best acoustics in the world, but it put in a wurlitzer instead and settled for second best. Apparently it's measured by something to do with the time taken for the sound to hit the back wall and come back (or something like that, it was 14 years ago I was lectured on the topic).

Al from Glasgow

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