Sailing Club Launched
Posted: Monday, 02 June 2008 |
Hi Nic, Do you have any photos of the sailing club?
Carol from IBHQ
Best of luck with the sailing. In my experience there are two schools of thought with regard to the pleasure involved. One, the school I subscribe to, believes we do it for pleasure so we don't go out when it is not nice. (We do get caught out occasionally!). The other says "Damn the torpedoes," and goes out regardless. I think we have more fun they have more excitement. As for tides, the easy way to remember them is to think of the moon; which controls them. Big ones come at full moon and bigger ones at new moon and they diminish for a week then grow for a week. In round figures they happen almost an hour later every day. The currents they create are a different matter as they are purely local and you just have to learn them. Pick the brains of someone who has experience. Good sailing.
hyper-Borean from The tide gauge
All the best with the sailing club and for those with long memories, they weren't fridges, they wee buoyancy aids but that was too prosaic for you lot...
Barney from Swithiod three cheers
Hi last week there was a post about the couple from coalas leaving the island with their horses etc, when I went to show it to the family when i got home it was no longer there am I going mad did I imagine this ??
Fond of a cream tea from Fife
Fond of a cream tea:: no the-- blog was removed-rich man taking offence when reading a feaw home truths-but never mind squidgy will come back with another cracker!!(you will,won't you squidgy???)
carol from over here
The blog was taken down by request, Fond of a cream tea fom Fife, so your eyes aren't deceiving you.
Carol from IBHQ
Can I request that it is put back up is it so simple to manipulate
Fond of a cream tea from Fife
Hear! hear! Carol from France (to avoid confusion, not because I ever disagree with SWMBO!)
Flying Cat from quite-fond-of-a-lick-of-cream-myself
Hey! Wot??? IB being censored - is this possible? If so, why? The freedom of the press, does this not apply to blogs also? Rich man, b*gger off if you can't face home truths - or just a squidgy opinion! I think this is very serious.
Barney from Swithiod recoiling at censorship
Oh Squidgy, how could I have missed it?!!
mjc from NM,USA
Oh, I probably missed your missile, Squidgy, because I was driving cross country. On the road again, and all that.
mjc from NM,USA
A blogger is entitled to remove/have removed his/her own posting if he/she/ sees fit, whether one abhors the circumstances or no. We're not all as free as the birds, nor all living on very small islands where one powerful person can make all others' lives a potential misery. You have to ca' canny, however much it goes against the grain.
Flying Cat from trying to walk in ac's shoes
No censorship, just a request from the person who wrote the blog for it to be taken down which it duly was. For this reason, it won't be going back up.
Carol from IBHQ
Nic's lovely blog about the children and their sailing club really isn't the place to discuss why my blog was taken down, however, the simple facts are, I failed to ask the permission of the people leaving the island, before posting their photographs on the blog. I should have, but didn't, so out of courtesy, I ask Carol to take the blog down until I had received their permission. Posting photos of animals and birds, well you can't ask them for permission, but people, well, that is a tricky one!! So, anyway, back to the Sailing Club, well we passed all the kids on Saturday, and what a beautiful sight it was, billowing sails, happy kids, proud parents, and beautiful new boats. Fantastic. PS. The weather's so hot, the roads have melted.
Squidgy the Otter from The facts are
Not an unusual occurrence on Coll if I remember correctly from other previous blogs...
Flying Cat from taurry-biler
think coll has problems? turn over tae the jura blog. was gonna go for a job there but whoah, better the divil yoe know eh?
Gizajob from Penniless Collach
Ah, OK, not the rich man but the subjects. That's different of course. Excuse me if I was unnecessarily abrasive to anyone.
Barney from Swithiod cooling off a bit
I thought that taking and publishing photos of people in public places was legit. Of course, it may not be quite polite or nice: I mean, would you want to publish a pic of Murdo John picking his nose with his thumb, without getting his permission first?
mjc from NM,USA
The roads of Coll melting, once again. As FC mentioned, we have danced around that pot hole before, on Nic's blog (if I remember correctly). That was before your time Squidgy.
mjc from NM,USA