A cake for Tws / TWS / tws
Posted: Friday, 26 October 2007 |
Why thank you Nic, but what are all the little erections on top? And what type of cream is that? Unlike cats, I can be curious, and un-vetted.....Oh and say hello to Cheery for me.
Tws from Agog
You are right, NiconColl, I am lost. But be kind and do tell me the joke (or the play on words). It took two whole years of rolled eyes and patient explaining by my uni. classmates before I could get a glimmer of what they would consider funny. If it's an insiders' cricket joke, I am certainly out. In fact, any joke involving sports is beyond my ken.
mjc from NM,USA
I've got tws - now can I have the cake?
scallowawife from secret
Looks like the Standing Stones at Callanish on top of a damn fine chocolate cake. How novel to put a layer of Snowcem in the middle - did you get it from the builders?
jonners and aggers from brue
Scallo - if you are letting tws loose for just one cake you either don't have him, or he is behaving so badly we won't want him back either.
Nic from Coll's cake factory
mjc - only in Britain could the commentators of a national sport get so bored of said sport they talk about pigeons and buses. Radio 4 listeners send them a lot of cakes, tws has some way to go still. Try searching the rest of the 91热爆 site, when you get a wet fortnight, for some Test Match Special commentary.
Nic from Coll
Oi, you two stop it. Scallowawife would certainly like to have me, but there is a queue, so think on.
Tws from Out'n'about
The little erections on top bear a very strong resemblance to 'only the crumbliest flakiest chocolate' and we all know where THAT was going...
Flying Cat from 99
The little erections are not crumbly or flaky. They come in plain, orange or mint flavours and are related to Calumannabel's profession.
Nic from Coll
He works in the Lewis Twiglet factory...?
Flying Cat from Brue and Twiglet catch a Twizzle
So far as I know, Calum. is not employed by Arnish Fabrication. That tottering factory is not responsible for Arnish's wild designs and fabrications.
mjc from NM,USA
i want you back tws--i will try to to the weatherforecast between two spells of duty
tws weather girl from come back,tws come back
A very good cake indeed, in fact it's an exceedingly good cake, although instead of all the little erections, maybe one large one would've been more apt, beware of Mr. Kipling Nic.
Tws from An Upright Stance
Sorry for slandering you Arnish L.: in comment above, i meant to refer to Calum.'s wild designs and fabrications. How your name got substituted is to be placed at IBHQ's doorstep (kidding).
mjc from NM,USA