home again
Posted: Friday, 23 March 2007 |
My friend mia will be green with envy at the size of your logpile....
Flying Cat from Rolling Acres
now there's good hunting opperchancities, senior staff hasn't needed much wood for the greenhouse burner this year so my logpile has been very miserable, ah well it'll soon be nesting time..
mia from in a sunbeam
Is logpile a slang word for anything? Am I missing something in Fc's comments? Am I missing something?
Tws from Enquiries Desk
Glad you had a good time down south. I did not know about dumpers before: at first I thought it was the local term for dumpsters/dump trucks, but I googled it out and learnt something. # Would it be too inquisitive to ask what you folks were doing? Clearing paths? Building a camp? # Anyway, glad you are back. The garden needs tending to, I fear. Could you use the weeds for salad?
mjc from NM,USA
Oh surely not Tws....
Flying Cat from a hard stare
Danbury is a lovely place to visit, The lakes are good too. Used to live in nearby Maldon before coming up here to live nice to hear from my old neck of the woods so to speak
Barebraes from Shapinsay
Logpile? Logjam? What do you folks think this island is? Berneray? Unst? No, 'tis the island of Coll and the Colics (so Fred Blog from I.O.L. tells me). So, TWS and FC, take some antacids and cool it (before Anne's whip makes its appearance).
mjc from NM,USA
Does Anne have a whip? I've been a very naughty boy, and need, no maybe not eh?
Tws from The Dungeon
Would Madam Anne Whiplash (MAW) please step forward.... If a person lived near Maldon, does that make her the salt of the earth? (sea what I did there Tws? Didja?)
Flying Cat from a manacle glare
No! maybe if I sit staring at it for a bit I will eventually sea what ye did there Fc.
Tws from Itsallablurtome
If TWS did, FC, would (should) he live to tell the tale?
mjc from NM,USA
The salt of the earth, I suppose one could say that Fc, I am astounded once again by your knowledge in these matters.
Barebraes from Shapinsay
The Maldon biped would be the salt of the sea, I should think. As to Maldon pepper ... Salted, peppered and dried: cat jerky (not the same as jerky for cats obviously). Not different from rabbit jerky, really (so I've been told).
mjc from NM,USA
Flying Cat from an immensely HARD stare.