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16 October 2014


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T’Islay boys went away on Saturday. They wanted t’name check. There is Lance, who isn’t from Islay, or Scotland but down where they play silly rugby; Dean, who came from Great Yarmouth; Colin from Paisley, but grew up on Islay, which probably explains most things; and Pete, who is a genuine Islay boy, used to make cheese and is named after his uncle. T’boys did a fair t’ middling job tidying up t’road. If there was more of t’gravel it would be tidier, and if t’extra money had been allocated earlier t’road at t’west end would have less of t’bumps and t’patches. T’accent on t’bit of Islay they come from is a bit odd. I think it is a homage to Shaun from Manchester. Colonsay folk will understand.
They might be back in a couple of weeks, or next Spring, or not at all. They might all be on St Helena, or half of Coll might be on a pub crawl on Islay. We were a bit confused; apparently it isn’t possible to sample alcoholic beverages on Islay, and then drive to the next hostelry. How does that work? Surely the whole point of a choice of pubs is to be able to choose!? Anyhow we have been invited over (several times). I think there is a water-plane taxi thing, which probably won’t use the runway. I think Coll should twin with Islay, we could get some more road signs. I’m a bit upset our Airport sign isn’t in Gaelic and Polish.

The terminal building is getting its roof, the roller shutter door has been fitted and next week the plumber comes in. The airport isn’t on mains water. Anyone building on Coll is having to jump through hundreds of hoops to get approval for drainage and sewage systems (septic tanks) and also for private water supplies. I haven’t seen the officials checking out the airport yet. The builders are back next week too, so the quiet winter is still on hold.

Posted on NiconColl at 16:06


Sorry to hear the boys are gone... the memories of Dean banging on my bedroom door at 1am because M (who was more or less comatose by then) had invited him up for a drink after the bar shut! I know they will be sorely missed... will they be replaced in the bar to keep the profits up? I don't know 'airport' in Polish, or Gaelic for that matter although the Gaelic word probably sounds like 'airoporta' said with much inflection of tone. You could always just call it 'Belice' which is the airport at Cracow... not that much bigger than your own terminal building I would say although perhaps yours will be minus the cute airport policemen with guns who opened a security gate just for me so I could avoid the queue. I'll stop havering, but I'll miss T'Islay boys next time I'm over.

Buzz from Glasgow

Hi Nic, I am unsure of the Polish for airport but the gaelic is port-adhair, Pronounced porst-are

Alex from Oban

Great to see the famous Isle of Coll FLEECER the laughing lamb getting so much coverage on ebay. This will no doubt raise much awareness to the politics on the wonderful Isle of Coll.

am_a_colin_ewe from Glasgow

Easy...Polish for Airport is Lotnisko. ps is the famous Laughing Lamb of Coll known as FLEECER real? This is most important. Dziękuję (thank you)

isle-of-coll-Polska from Glasgow

I have to put PEN to paper I am also wandering if fleecer is real or is someone pulling the wool over our eyes,I'm sure tup-perware would be interested if sent a clipping of her/his exploits.

a- ramsbottom from loch ewe

Who is 'isle-of-coll-Polska' from Glasgow? Just wondering seen as I'm taking up Polish lessons in the New Year. do widzenia

Buzz from Glasgow

I speak Gaelic,Slan agus Slainte Ross sign's aren't hard


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