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16 October 2014


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more haircut

Hi Buzz,
Your favourite bar boy finally got his mop removed. Not entirely willingly, and maybe a tad more than was intended. Be very very careful not to 'rest your eyes' in the presence of the Islay boys and the East End mob. There is no chance it will have grown for the Coll Association Dinner (in Glasgow) in a fortnight, so take your camera!
I'm going south for a week, and can come back with exciting tales of Essex! Much less glamourous than Estonia, or apartments in medieval walls in Spain. If the SNP win and Scotland gets independence will going to England count as going abroad, even if it is just for tax purposes?
Out at the airport the terminal building has leapt ahead, up to roof trusses. The weather isn't helping but this bit is being done by Coll builders.
The band are recording a CD, and would love some photos or video. If any swallows took pics in the summer please let them know. They need stuff for the CD sleeve. They'd love advance orders with cash as well!!
Posted on NiconColl at 17:23


Hi Nic, thanks for the update. Some people sue for post traumatic stress when their hair is forceably removed, but all I can say is 'well done boys'. I didn't know about the dinner, but then I'm not in the association! Bit too close to my exams to be enjoying myself but maybe I'll sign up soon. I am studying, despite not having a beautiful bay outside my window to make it so much easier. Got myself confused last time with Islay boys and terminal building boys (what are you calling those three?). Anyway, whatever you're calling them, the TSL guys told me that building would take exactly 1 day to put up and yet that was 4 weeks ago now! A friend recently travelled round Europe and said the best looking European women are in Estonia... now do I recall mentioning that in the bar when I was over? I've got a

Buzz from Glasgow

I need to get back to Coll, don't think I can make it before Christmas. Glasgow sucks.

Buzz 2 from Glasgow

who is the manager of johnncash groups

john from airdrie

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