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16 October 2014


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It never rains but …

Since everything which could go wrong with the road seemed to have gone wrong we have been reduced to inventing ridiculous scenarios for the next delay. Unfortunately we weren’t radical enough! The tar came in on Sunday. We watched the barge heading towards the pier shortly after lunch. Later that night Paddy and the crew were spotted in the bar, so they stayed long enough to unload. Today I passed the tar boys at 7-15 moving the paver back up the road ready for the first delivery. At 11 they came in for cigarettes; they have to stop at ferry times to let the traffic through. They don’t like Mondays because the ferry is in at 11 and again at 1-15 which really cuts into the working day. At 2-30 I’m driving home, and meet the paver trundling back down the road, and it isn’t laying tar!! We have a duff load of tar and it isn’t ‘marrying’ in onto the gravel layer. The technical term is ‘scabby’! Apparently it won’t wear and the weather will knacker it! The boat isn’t coming back with another load until Saturday. The tar boys want to go home. Even promising them roast lamb didn’t raise a smile. On a good shift they can lay 1100 tons a day. Here it is taking a month. Colin’s birthday is getting closer and he may still be here.

Posted on NiconColl at 15:57


Summer 2006 "THE ROAD" did un told damage to my car during my "Holiday" not booking for next year as it looks like it still wont be fixed, what a shambles, has the runway set yet?

Tourist from Anywhere

Unbelievable. Even with the unreliability of weather (and therefore boats) I can't quite believe how difficult this has been. I haven't brought the car over at all this year and I won't be bringing it over on my visit in 2 weeks either.

Buzz from Glasgow

They laid the duff tar down as a sub-layer and the road is smooth nearly all the way to the village. It will be finished (I suspect they won't get paid otherwise) but the only dodgy bit left is between the Free Church and the surgery. The proper tarred road is so quiet and black and smooth (in a slightly undulating way. So the west end is now open to low ground clearance vehicles.

Nic from Coll

Is it true the barge is away to dry dock in Peterhead to have the damage to the hull repaired? I wonder if another barge will take over.

Alex. from Oban

Only 8 days 'til I'm over, is the road to Feall cyclable yet? Is that even a word?

Buzz from Glasgow

We have the other barge back; the one we were told was scrapped. It came in today (Monday) looking very clean with a new coat of blue paint. It has half a load of tar and half a load of type 1 gravel. Unloading was slow because the tide was out so the boat was low and the crane had to be fully extended to reach the lorries on the pier, and it was only possible to have the bucket half full. The next target for finishing is 21 October, the weekend we switch to the winter timetable, and the Tiree surfing finishes, so the boat will be especially busy.

Nic from Coll

The people in charge of roads seem to be out of touch with reality! We have a shiny new bridge in Glasgow (the 91Èȱ¬ gets what the 91Èȱ¬ wants) but to get on or off it you must be going straight ahead (no turning allowed) from one tiny useless road onto another tiny useless road. Slap-bang in the middle of Glasgow! It defies belief.

Buzz 2 from other side of Glasgow

See this weeks O/T the councillors are not impressed with the repairs to the Coll airport road

Alex from Oban

Yeah, I was there Alex for a planning application. The Counciller (Ian Gillies) went ballistic. He had photo's up on the big screen...scary guy, I think he'll get what he wants in the end.

Ferryman from Mull

Is it true that Glenforsa Airstrip is next on the list to be paved and will be linked to Oban with Coll and Tiree?

Ferryman from Mull

I have also heard the rumour that Glenforsa was next for upgrading, lets hope the access roads are not destroyed in the process. On the subject of Coll, I hear the couuncil are talking about a 14 tonne gross limit on the roads

Alex from Oban

It would actually make some sense to impose weight restrictions on roads such as Coll....look whats happened with the airport construction! Proves the point. They just canna tak it Capn.

Ferryman from Mull

true what you say ferryman, it would have made even more sense it a 14 tonne limit had been imposed before the airport work started.

alex from oban

It is easy to be wise after the event, although it wasn't difficult to predict what would happen to the road. But imposing a weight limit on a road with no alternative is a bit draconian. Much of the damage happened with loads much less than 14 tons, most of the problem wasn't the just weight, but the frequency heavy loads were going west. The ground and the road never got a chance to rest and return to its original position.

Nic from Coll

Yes Nic, hindsight is a wonderful thing, but from what I hear everyone on the island was predicting what would happen to the road,pity the council did not listen. Never mind I expect the ground/road will get a rest over the Winter.

Alex from Oban

Hey Nic, well i was on coll for the first time over the summer. I was over doing my Project Trust Selection Course. I had heard about the condition of the roads on coll from my cousin. It was so much worse than i imagined it would be when i got there i was like "oh my god how do the cars survive!!??" and yeh i guess u guys have all got ur landrovers and big machines like that to survive the wild roads, like many people on luing do, but hey what about all the other people. WRECKED CARS springs to mind!!! lol anyway hope that things get better for u guys over there and hey the roads on luing would be a dream for u!! x

Ailsa from Luing

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