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16 October 2014


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Real Ale

The Coll Hotel now officially sells Real Ale. All winter we have had a barrel (or two) resting on the bar in the restaurant and the beer has come out of the tap into the pint glass. I think secretly the real ale enthusiasm was expected to die down, but eventually the bullet was bitten and an official shed was built to house the kegs and a hand pump was installed. This took some time as it is very crowded behind the bar, and any left-handed bar staff are going to find it quite difficult. The hand pump was put into operation on Friday; and we are now on our third barrel! The problem will be maintaining a supply, as shopping trips to Glasgow are limited by weight. The choice will be more beer, or more chips. The drawback to having the beer on hand pump is it will be more complicated to have a ‘guest’ beer, as the system will need flushing out. I’m still trying to work out a way to get some Latitude from Atlas brewery, but there is absolutely no room for a second hand pump.
Posted on NiconColl at 16:44


More fun at the hotel then! Nic, has the Press and Journal made an error on your age?

Lorna or Buzz-2 from Glasgow

Today's paper won't get here until tomorrow. How old am I supposed to be?

Nic from Coll

You could probably get rid of a second hand pump on eBay.

Annie B from Lone Sheiling

Put it in the garden with an honesty box!!!

Reiver from ale free zone

Can't say I will miss the real ale, it gives me the skitters. The ozzy beers are pretty good, although beer always tastes better in the sunshine.

Davey & Pam from Australia

Sometimes, as a cat of sensitive disposition, I think you humans feel the need to share just too much.......so the next time I snaffle a slurp of cow-juice and it has the usual effect, I hereby promise solemnly not to enter into the finer details of my movements!

Flying Cat from bogsnorkelling

I can't quite remember now, but I think it had you being 41, which I couldn't really believe.

Lorna or Buzz-2 from Glasgow

got to say that the pipers gold is excellent as are the residents of Coll, shame about the road though, as soon as i got back home my exhaust fell off. But dont let that put you off this lovely Isle.

mj from sheffield

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