This guide explains how to use the Settings tab in Eavis.
Before You Start
Go to Eavis () and select the Event you want to work on. If you do not have access, contact R&
You Will Need
A new Event or an existing Event in Eavis. .
Quick Guide
1. Add Basic Configuration
The first stage of the Settings tab is to add basic configuration to your event. All of these fields are optional settings, see the list below for an explanation of each.
- Event Type - Use the drop-down menu to select one of the following options: Music, Music Session, Speech or Classical. Choose the one that best fits your event type.
- Primary Language / Additional Languages - Use the drop-down menu to select your primary language or add an additional language using the blue add language button.
- Long Name - Fill in the full name of your event, e.g. Glastonbury Festivals of Contemporary Performing Arts 2011.
- Short Name - This is a required field to fill in. For annual events, this is usually just the year (e.g. 2011). N.B. The Series and Short Name are concatenated to form the page title (e.g. Glastonbury 2011).
- Context PID - Enter a valid /programmes PID. If you don't have one at this stage you can leave it blank (your site will use the default 'Music Events' branding). .
- Branding ID - The Branding ID is generated using the Branding Tool. If your branding is attached to your Context PID then you can leave this field blank. Your Event will inherit its branding from the Context PID. .
- Record Qualifier – This is the name which appears in brackets after the track or work title on every page other than Eavis event pages, to show which event the music item is associated with. It you don’t enter anything here then it will default to the series name.
- Lead Image PID - Add the image PID of the picture you would like to be the Lead Image for your event. This needs to be a JPEG formatted to a 16:9 aspect ratio (1920 pixels by 1080 pixels is the recommended size). .
- Short Description - Add a short description for your event. This will appear on series aggregation pages.
- Long Description - Add a long description for your event. N.B. You can add basic markdown formatting. Hover over the blue information symbol for more information.
- Include Set List in Event Listings - If this box is not ticked then, then the set list for this event will not be displayed in /by/date listings, even when viewers select the listings view. It will not affect the set list displayed on the individual event or act pages.
2. Add Series & Masterbrands
The second stage of the Settings tab is to add Series and Masterbrand information to your event.
- Include in Event Listings at Series Level - This controls the Event visibility in the series calendar pages and any latest/upcoming series modules.
- Primary Series - Use the drop-down menu to select your Primary Series (e.g. 1Xtra Live or 6 Music Festival).
- Additional Series - Click the blue add series button to add an Additional Series. N.B. Adding them here will cause your Event to appear in lists of Events for each Series.
- Include in Events Listings at Masterbrand Level - This controls the Event visibility in the Masterbrand calendar pages and any latest/upcoming Masterbrand modules.
- Primary Masterbrand - Use the drop-down menu to select your Primary Masterbrand. The Masterbrand ‘owns’ your Event and may also be referred to as a Network or Service.
- Additional Masterbrands - Click the blue Add masterbrand button to add an additional Masterbrand. This is useful if your Event spans across more than one Radio Network.
3. Set Dates & Times
The final stage to complete under the Settings tab is your Event’s Date and Timings settings.
- Start - Give your Event a Start date and Start time using the blank fields or calendar and clock pop-ups.
- End - Give your Event an End date and End time using the blank fields or calendar and clock pop-ups.
- Enable Countdown Clock - Tick this box to enable a countdown to your Event.
For more information: .
Step-By-Step Guide
Related Tasks
How to add an Eavis Event.
How to add Locations and Stages to an Event.
How to add Acts to an Event.
How to add a Line-Up to an Event.