Posted: Monday, 03 March 2008 |
Previous incumbents of IBHQ tell me that in the days before the filter was introduced that spam flooded the comments system. Given the history of spam on Island Blogging, removing the spam filter is not a feasible option at this stage. Anyone who has ever had an influx of unwanted spam knows that it can contain some quite nasty stuff. In the meantime, work is continuing to improve the comments process.
Carol from IBHQ
I know we don't want spam of the awful sort but perhaps we need to be a little less cautious and take a bit of a risk. One thing is certain, without the spontaneity of rapid comments and responses IB becomes pedestrian and thus uninteresting.
Hyper-Borean from In the spam can
Thank you Carol. I agree, the spam filter is a good thing. There is an awful lot of filth on this thing called the internet. Remember I had trouble on my slideshows from them mucky lasses, Erica and Sabrina. I know you are doing your best Carol and it is much appreciated.xxxx
Squidgy the Otter from Commenting on the comments
Carol is right of course! No one likes spam on their plate or in their letter-box. Isn't part of the charm of IB the very fact of not know if/when your master-comment is going to appear?
Barney from Swithiod jam the spam
I think you are out of order squidgy, having a go at poor Carol ( the Spam hating IBHQ variety) through your well versed musical tit-bits ( you never see that in the dentist anymore, I used to like the problem page, after sniggering at the title, naturally ) She has enough to cope with, without everyone getting on her back ( only dreaming) about something that is not her fault, but looking through the comments of other blogs, there is one certain blogger that floods the system, and I think we all know who that is, don't we? If not, he likes marmalade, and it's not Paddington Bear, or Herself, but a 4 legged fiend.
Tws from Tuning In
good one squidgy, i'v' got a good one maybe""dreamers,we're all a bunch of dreamers,can we get rid of the spams,oh no!
carol from over here
Thank goodness he doesn't mean me...
Flying Cat from faithful right up to the end
Okay, TWS, I know your game. You are trying to get me going. Well, I'll tell you this for nothing, it takes a lot these days to get me GOING. xxxxx
Squidgy the Otter from Taking the Rise
carol from over here- loved the old supertramp too, and all those dreamers,
justsurfedin from fromoverthere
Someone here's got the LP...
Flying Cat from ancient music archives
Dear TWS, last word, after 4 legged, you missed the R out, after the F. silly you !!! xxx
Squidgy the Otter from the missing R
It's pretty certain that non of the spammers actually ever visit IB. Would it be possible for the technical people to put aa 1-time code that popped up when one logs in, then the code would be coupled to the spam filter so that any message beginning with it would automatically be passed? And of course the 1-time code would be changed every day. I really don't believe any but the most determined spammer would go to the bother of checking on the code. After all they bomb 1000s of sites every day, the whole thing is probably entirely autometed.
Barney from Swithiod a piece of cake, not spam
I would just like to point out that I was NOT making a stand about comments going missing, musical or otherwise. I was just bored, that's all. They're just words, and I think that I'd better be going now. One last thing, in my previous comment, I may have missed out the letter "r" in the last word, or maybe I never???
Tws from Tuning In
TWS, , but what about the other comment, you ain't replied to that one.... go on, I dare ya. Tee hee
Squidgy the Otter from Whataboutthe...??
TWS, I think you have pre-empted my comment which is coming up shortly, or maybe not, re: The R as in....
Squidgy the Otter from TimeWarp
What a very prescient otter you are Squidgy. You have anticipated Tws' comment.
Flying Cat from a hard stare
Oh Flying Cat, it's one of those rare magical moments again. TWS commented on the missing R probably at the same time as I did, one comment went up first, then mine went up. Oh, its so confusing... I'm going to bed with a confused headache.....
Squidgy the Otter from The Crystal Ball
Going to bed with A Confused Headache? Is this one of our Eastern European friends squidgy? I pre-empted my dustbin, is that the kind of pre-emptying you mean? The earth moved for a lot of people last week in England, and I was nowhere near the place, maybe Calum and Donald were though????
Tws from In Bed With Kylie
Well over the weekend my lounge was finished and very nice it looks too. Thank you to me for doing all the work. Thank you to you for your comments to this light hearted blog. It's so nice that Island bloggers are all so different, each bringing with them a little snapshot of their island. There are three regular bloggers from Coll, again, each with their own take on life, own humour and of course style of writing. Me?? I'm into nature, wildlife and photography, I often use Puns, because I write slogans for competitions and the judges like them. I have won some fantastic prizes, holidays, money, a Trip to Emmerdale to meet the stars and even an invite to the Queen's Garden Party. So what I am trying to say, rather clumsily, is that if all the Coll bloggers were the same, our readers would be reading the same thing. From the number of wonderful comments all the Coll Bloggers receive we must be doing something right. xxx
Squidgy the Otter from Isle of Coll