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16 October 2014

Coco's view - June 2007

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Well, it's been quite a mixed up couple of weeks. My Mum abandoned us again two weeks ago to go off to Glasgow to take an exam and then on to Dublin for a few days' work. She should have been back with us on Friday. Me and Dad had a good week, messing about in the boat and just enjoying ourselves.

Next thing I know I am being bundled into the car on Friday morning and dropped off at the kennels! Yes, the kennels. What are they up to now I was thinking to myself. I was abandoned for four days. Turns out Mum wasn't too well when she came back from Ireland (says she wasn't drinking but I have my suspicions). She ended up being admitted to hospital in Paisley for a few days to have some tests done and take some antibiotics. So just because she feels a bit under the weather I have to suffer.

Then they come back for me to the kennels. I am so pleased to see them both (especially to see my Dad). I could see them getting out of the car and started jumping up and down and doing my version of a tap dance. Dad took me straight for a bit of a walk which was great - don't really like availing myself of the facilities at the kennel.

Anyway, we have Tuesday and Wednesday at home. Me and Dad went down to the boat to check it was OK. Had to try the engine out a bit of course. Then, blow me, they take me to Uncle Brian's on Thursday and disappear again. Seems like the doctor had been in touch with Mum's doctor in Glasgow and she had to go back in for a couple of days again. I don't know. I wish she would make up her mind. Not so bad this time though, Dad came back on Thursday night for me and then took me with him down to Glasgow when he picked her up on Saturday. Even managed to do a bit of watering in the hospital car park whilst I was there!

So, hopefully she is back for a little while now. Dad, Uncle Brian and our friend Mick went out on the boat yesterday. I have to tell you it was a bit roly-poly for my liking. I got very nervous and tried to climb on Dad's knee. I was trying to get under the bunk at the front of the boat. I really hate it when it is rolling about. Dad thought it was unfair to me so he brought the boat back in. I really will have to try and be stronger about this sailing lark - otherwise they might decide to put me in the kennels again.

Got to go now - am going for a run to the shop to get the newspapers. Have to keep an eye on Mum for a few days!
Posted on Coco's view at 11:55

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